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Changbin's POV

I went to mr. Kang's lab to search for him since he wasnt coming to the class. I kept wondering how he was late at that time cuz he never was late for his class.

Reaching there, i saw him looking at a plant. Staring at a plant, which was in a transparent glass box. I frowned and got confused. I somehow then noticed he was trembling.

"Mr.. Kang..?" i managed to say as he got startled and covered the plant he was staring at almost immediately. "What.. Are you doing here.." he asked, with a shaky voice.

"I.. I.. Uh.. Didn't mean to startle you, Sir. It's your class now. I came to call you since you weren't–"

"I won't be coming today." he cut me off as i nodded immediately. Not further asking. "I have something way more important to do right now, go to class." he ordered me as i looked down.
"I'm sorry, if i am somehow responsible for the disturbance." i said and walked away.

It was an empty hallway. It was normal since everyone was in their classes. I was walking back to my class as well, but then i saw someone hiding under a table.
I went to her as she was even more startled.

"What's wrong?"

"Th..the trees.. The branches.. Tried.." she was too terrified to speak. She pointed at the window showing that it was already broken, an unknown thing broke it, she indicated.

"I- how did it break-" i asked her as she pointed at the tree. No sooner had i looked at it than it threw its branch and wrapped around my hand. My eyes widened as i tried to remove it.

"Shit- what the hell-" then the girl quickly helped me getting away with it, we succeeded a while later. It was kinda weak. I started breathing heavily as it terrified me.

"Does.. Anybody else know this thing?" i asked her, still breathing heavily. "Well... This situation.. Might get w..worse."

I quickly got up and ran to my class to see nothing had happened to my classmates, yet. I went to Hyunjin hurriedly.

"Ayo- is mr. Kang done with his-"

"Shut up. Its not about him. Dont freak out. The branches.. Are moving on its own, it.. Grabbed my wrist very tightly but i somehow managed to let go." i said almost breathlessly as he kinda got concerned.

"What? Are you serious?" Seungmin overheard our conversation as he came to us and sat beside me. "What else happened?"

"Well.. Just this. It.. It broke the window of the hallway. Well it-" i couldnt finish as we all heard a huge sound coming from the ground floor.
We all quickly gathered around the window as we saw a huge tree branch breaking a car parked in the campus.

"Shit- what is that-" Hyunjin exclaimed. "THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT, YOU'RE NOT TAKING ME SERIOUSLY-" everyone started freaking out immediately.

A sharp edged tree branch suddenly came inside our class through the window and went through the body of one of our classmates. Blood splashed all over the place as we stare at the boy in shock, he was dead.

"YEOSANG–" someone screamed as the branch started sucking the blood of the dead boy, yeosang.

"It.. It drinks.. Blood.." seungmin spoke in fear. He couldnt speak anymore. We hurriedly ran out of the classroom only to see a bunch of students running around as well.

Hyunjin's POV

"This.. This.. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" i yelled in fear. I never saw something like that before, it was very unexpected to see trees moving on their own. Changbin was somehow calm enough to deal with this situation but everyone lost their calmness as yeosang was brutally killed.  I also lost my control.

I then quickly looked for Minho around, i didn't find him. I became very worried as i ran in the middle of the crowd.
"MINHO! WHERE ARE YOU?" i yelled. I couldnt find him. I left everyone else just to get him safely. Where was he? Was he dead? No, he cant be.

I kept searching for him.

Minho's POV

I was at the principal's room, he wanted me to do some stuff for him. When i was done with the work, he gave me a smile.
"Thank you once again, Minho. You really are our pride." he said as i nodded politely.

"Anytime," i said as i was about to leave when suddenly he called me again.

I turned around, but before i could look at him, something came in my way and was about to go inside me, when someone pushed me away and so i was saved.

It all happened in a blink of an eye.

"I.. Got in time.." Hyunjin said as he looked at me. My eyes were widened as i saw the mess, the window was broken, the principal was also terrified of what just happened.

"What did just happen?" he asked us as i had no clue.

"Well, sir, i guess.. The trees are moving by itselves. Its sucking people's blood." Hyunjin claimed as he looked at him in shock. "This isnt some kind of joke–" he couldnt finish when another branch came in and was about to go through his body when Hyunjin stopped it by hitting it off with a chair.

The principal had no words.

"These are killing students.." he further added. He was holding my hand tightly. I couldnt process what was happening anymore and look at him all perplexed.

We heard many noises around the building after that, as we stood in our respective places.

"I.. Left them all alone.." Hyunjin said, looking at the exit.

"Are they going to be dead?" he then asked me, blankly. "No..No.. They c-cant be dead yet" i replied while stuttering. I was too scared to speak. No words escaped my mouth anymore.

"Stay right here, stay safe. I'll go and take them in here too." Hyunjin said as he let go of my hand and went out of the room. I didnt want to stay there all alone while my other friends were not safe. I went with him even though he told me not to.

"Minho? It's not the time to be like thi-" a tree branch grabbed his wrist tightly as i quickly tried to let go of it. "This.. This shit is strong.. Ugh-" he said as the grip got tightened more.

Almost causing to cut his veins.

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