Chapter 7: Rescuing Yeon-Hee

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Remade: 03/30/24

My Pov:

Yeon-Hee is unconscious and she was not waking up anytime soon, the guy who knew who she is was is in his laboratory room experimenting something, It looks like a potion.

When he was done working on it he wanted to use it on Yeon-Hee when she wakes up, after that he walked into the chamber underground of his realm to find Yeon-Hee still unconscious.

He walked up towards her then touched her chin, whispering  " Soon you will come back to us Yeon-Hee, it's been so long since the four of us were separated...." then he chuckled softly.


Free's Pov:

After relaxing for some time in the forest, I decided to go back inside BC Sol, I was greeted with by Valt who was worried for me.

" Free! Where were you all this time? We were worried! " he frowned while Rantaro added "Yeah man, and where on earth is Yeon-Hee ? " he said looking left and right.

That made my heart ache knowing I hadn't found her" Well, I was searching for her every where but... I didn't find her " I said trying to hide my worry.

Deep down I was really anxious about her. Suddenly then, Kris barged inside BC Sol looking alarmed.

" Blader's you have to hear this! " she gestured for us to follow in the training room. We went inside and she turned on the film TV to show us the news.

" Hello and welcome back to another breaking news, today we have a report that a teenage girl named Yeon-Hee went missing, we don't know where she is but a friend of her's in a place called BC Sol said that she couldn't find her then thought she might've been kidnapped, if anyone knows please inform us..."

A friend in BC Sol? Shasa came to us then revealed " That was me actually... I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner, I didn't want you all to worry but it's true. Earlier I was also searching for Yeon-Hee, I looked everywhere even outside but I didn't find her too. I figured someone might've captured her " little tears formed her eyes when Kris comforted her...

I didn't wanna admit this but I'm raging anger right now. We have to find her!

My Pov:

At night, Free is in his room lost in his mind thinking about Yeon-Hee. He wondered who got hold of her, is it a girl or boy? The next day came Free woke up still feeling worried about Yeon-Hee. He went down stairs then saw all Blader's scattered in the training room, he then went there and the news informed who got Yeon-Hee.

" Good news everybody! We got information about the person who captured Yeon-Hee, turns out it's a guy! His name is Lee Lysander, info's says that he is Yeon-Hee's big brother and sibling, Yeon-Hee has two more siblings but we don't know who they are yet... They are quite mysterious, but moreover who will save Yeon-Hee ?"

Free widened his eyes hearing Yeon-Hee has a sibling and two more.. Though what worried him more was where could Yeon-Hee be? What place was she captured?!

Free was panicking and let it out...

Free's Pov:

My anxiousness was rising " What?! They still don't know where they are?! And all they gave us was the name of the person who captured her?! What kind of a news broadcast are they?! We have to find her! Now!- "

Kris calmed me down, I realized it was the first time I raged my anger out because of someone. Damn this! " Please... Let us find Yeon-Hee let ME save her Kris "

My eyes was still dull but it had a glimmer of hope...

" But Free... " Trad interrupted " Let him be Kris if he wants to save Yeon-Hee then let him save Yeon-Hee. She's his comrade and teammate, and teammates are supposed to look out for each other right Valt? "

He looked at Valt then he nodded, it was true. I then averted my eyes to Kris who was also worried for me, until she finally agreed

" Fine... You can save Yeon-Hee but be careful Free " Kris said in a serious tone mixed with sadness. just nodded then looked at the others.

Rantaro, Valt, Kit and Shasa were with me. We packed our things then went outside, Rantaro is the first to speak " Now where will we go? "

Kit added " Hmmm let's see... The only place I could think of is the place called Shadow Syndicate " Shadow Syndicate? What is he talking about? I thought it was supposed to be in the Snakepit?

Valt then added " Shadow Syndicate? What on earth is that Kit? "

Kit explained... “ The  Shadow Syndicate is a group of people who had been loitering around Spain or Japan destroying other blader's beys, it said that they also had kids who used the be criminal's stealing stuff. However it was due to reasons why they did that”

“It was because of the poverty life they lived in... ”

Kit said as the others frowned hearing it while it completely shattered my heart...

" Unfortunately the kids stopped stealing... Hence they are now a group of people destroying other Blader's beys for no good reason"

I said to him " But how do you know all this?-" Oh what the? He was looking it up all the time...Kit just chuckled while I just made a small smile.

He continued " though I don't know their reason or purpose why they captured Yeon-Hee, I also don't know who the other two siblings are but I can guess it's a boy and girl "

I narrowed my eyes " Well then let's go to this Shadow Syndicate place " Valt added " Yeha let's go! Let's save Yeon-Hee! "

" YEAH! "

I only smiled grateful for their support and help " Gah! uh Silas? "

" Yo what's up? Don't get the wrong idea I just... M-mainly wanted to join in the adventure nothing more! " Shasa teased him

" Come on admit that you also care for your teammates hahaha! "

Rantaro then said " Ugh... Whatever he's just being cocky that's it "

Oh boy another argument on the rise, they are like Wakiya and Rantaro... I mean technically.

Yeon-Hee... I hope you're okay.


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