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Wednesday blinked as she awoke, rising quickly. She glanced around, taking note of the fact that she was surrounded by the bodies of her unconscious classmates.

A hum left her.

A groan to her left and shuffling to her right told her that she wouldn't be the only one awake soon enough. Wednesday continued to observe the area, narrowing her eyes at a peaceful of paper that blended in well with the wall. She made her way to the glowing white wall with a hint of annoyance in her eyes. Their captor hadn't even used a good color to intimidate the captee's.


Wednesday snatched the paper from the blank wall, reading it quickly.


My name is not of importance, and, to be frank, neither is this. I have brought you all here for my entertainment only, and, well, if one of you finds something from this little... escapade... helpful in some way, than good on them. Everyone present will be watching a series of videos relating to one particular person in the room.

Have fun'

A scoff left the pale girls lips, but her eyes continued on with watching her fellow classmates awaken. Each stirred slowly. Fortunately, it only took a few minutes before all were awake and causing a riot. Wednesday was quick to silence them with a snap, speaking loud enough for people to hear. "Our... captor was kind enough to leave us a note." Her sarcasm was duly noted by those who interacted with the girl constantly. She re-read the note once more, this time aloud to those around her.

The second she finished, no one had the time to even speak because as soon as the note was read aloud, it lit up in flames, leaving no evidence of its existence privy to a small pile of ashes. "Great." Wednesday blinked blankly, stiffening slightly as a force was pressed on her until she - and everyone around her - had sat down.

The room darkened, and then a screen lit up. It was time to start, it seemed. (Video in media)

"Oh, of course! It's always about Addams, isn't it!"

The scene starts in the BATHROOM, seemingly around MIDDAY. A blonde girl, MIA, is seen putting makeup on herself, trying to make herself look more defined.

The camera pans over as someone else enters the room. VADA crosses over to the sinks, expressionless. VADA notices MIA and smiles, she speaks. "You don't even need to wear make up."

"Addams? Being nice? Ha! No way." Bianca, once again, felt the need to make her opinion known.

"She doesn't look all that dead and pale there!" Eugene cheered.

Not having heard, MIA looks to VADA. "Sorry, what?"

VADA speaks up once more, "I just said you don't even need to wear makeup." VADA purses her lips.

A scoff was heard throughout the room, but this time, an annoyed growl was heard after it.

MIA tried to reply but is cut off. "I-" A GUNSHOT is heard. Both MIA and VADA turn to the door leading towards the hall. They both freeze. "What was that?" MIA and VADA both wince as a SCREAM and another GUNSHOT is heard.

"What..?" Wednesday heard Enid mutter to herself.

VADA acts quickly, grabbing MIA'S hand and leading her into a STALL. The camera follows them and captured the fear in their faces and tears well in their eyes.

"Oh shit..." Xavier murmured as the video captured the feeling of fear perfectly.

A song starts, and the scene changes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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