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Loud, pain filled screams were heard throughout the stone walls of the Home of the Targaryens, white, pale hair sticking to the forehead of the wailing mother. Her violent/blue eye's clenched closed tightly as she gives another painful push.

"One more push dear! He's almost here, you're son is almost here!" The woman told the mother, her Valerian accent strong. Another piercing scream is brought out of the woman as she pushes again.

"Aghhh!! Jiōragon zirȳla hen!!" The Targaryen screamed out, gripping onto the sheets tightly that were covered in sweat and blood. Soon different cries filled the room, the cries of a beautiful, brown headed and green eyed boy were heard. The white haired woman smiles as she pants quickly, leaning up weakly to look at her baby. (Translation at bottom of page)

"Oh my sweet boy." She cried out, reaching out for him. "Let me hold him, I want to see him." She whimpers out, still in pain from pushing out her son.

The woman smiles as she wipes the baby clean, wrapping him up in a silk blanket and walks towards the mother, gently placing the baby boy in her arms. "What is his name, princess?" She asked softly, pouring some milk of the poppy for the pain filled mother.

Daenerys smiles down at her sweet boy, gently brushing her fingers against his cheek. "I thought of giving him a Targaryen name but I thought of something better then the names of my old, wrinkled ancestors." The "young" mother teased to the woman who giggled. "I came upon a name in a book, it wasn't like one I've seen before." She smiles up at the woman before looking longingly at her son. "Finnick. Finnick Targaryen is a strong name." She whispers, mostly to herself, knowing that, that's not the name he will truly carry.

In loud footsteps, a man struts down the halls of the stone house, a blade and long sword as his sides, long brown hair with two braids in it, his demeanor carrying power. The man pushes open the door to the labor of his wife, halting as he sees his second born in her arms, the boy having his hair and skin. A curling smirk comes to his lips.

"Oh, hijo mío. Otro chico fuerte, tiene mi cara, mi pelo y tendrá mi fuerza. Es un lobo en brazos de una oveja." The man smirked as he walks towards the white haired woman, his large hands picking up his son, his eyes taking in the infant. For a small moment, the man's heart felt warmer as the baby opened its eyes, revealing his green eyes. The warmth quickly slipped away, his brown eyes hardening again. "He has green eyes. Your eyes are blue, my dear wife and mine are brown. Do you have something to tell me?" He practically growled out, his eyes flashing a golden yellow, eyes of a wolf. (Translation at bottom of page)

Daenerys let out a shaky breath at his stare, more concerned for her baby in his arms then herself. She shakes her head at the accusing man. "If you are asking me if I lay with another man, the answer is no. I'm loyal to my husband." She spoke in a strong voice, despite how weak her words made her seem. Her own husband, accusing her of dishonor and whoring. It was humiliating. "His green eyes are a results of blue and brown, a color between the two, husband."
She seethed the title, not with love nor grace, just hatred.

"Careful, Amor." He says warningly. His eyes moving back down to his second son. "his name will be Sawyer. Sawyer Winchester. It will be a name that makes lesser men shake in fear." He smirks, fully convinced one of his sons will be king one day.

Five years later

"Mama Mama!! Look look!! It's a frog!" The young boy shouts in excitement, in his hands a small leaf green frog layed, croaking as if it was another day. "Can I keep him? He likes me! He didn't run!" The happy boy exclaimed, his mother looking down at him with a matching smile.

"Oh sweet boy, you know we don't keep animals, they deserve to be free." She says softly, gently cupping under the boy's chin so he's looking at her. "But...we can feed it before sending it on its way. How does that sound?" She smiles softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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