Waluigi sexbot 69000 sexes MossERLY

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IN 1899 in a house, just like this one, on a spring night , just like this one, Moss and Everly, aka Mosserly, were sexing really hard in the shower when the water turned purple, they screamed and turned off the water, they paused, listening, not sure if it wasd safe to stop sexing hard, just then, they heard a faint "{Waaaaah ", there breathed hitched as they sllowly stopped sedxing hard to go see what the noise was. they walked down to bthe living room window and looked down the street, Moss squinted asking Everly "did you see that?", "see what?" Everly answered, Moss looked again but didnt see anything this time so softly stated "oh, nothing, guess it was just in my head", just as they turned around they heard a loud "WAHAHA" behind them, they spun around quickly just too see a hot puuprl man with his face against  the window, they screamed in unison and ran to their sex dungeon and locked themself in. they waited patiently, listening caarefully for any sign of the tall hot purple man robot, it had been an hour when E verly finally said smthn, "i think we should open the door and look", Moss hesitated but agreed. they held hands and slowly opened the door only to be jizzed on by a tall robot man, he openeed his eyes mafter nuitting anmd his eeyes met your very shocked mand cum covered eyes, he stuttered before explainingf "i heard you guys s3exing from 420 blocks away with my sex tracking ears and couldnt resist but find you, then i cpould smell the sex toys from outside this door and had to re=lieve myalef" Mosserly stared at him blanking and then Moss said "well if you really wanted you could have just asked for help" Moss then gesdtured for the sexbopt to come in the sex dungeon, Everly exclaimed upsetti spaghetti "but MOos, yoiu said the dungeon was onlyu for us" robot man pulled out a throbbing burrrito and said "let me sex in the dungeon with you or i will burrito curse yoiu" Everly stil;l refused and Waluigi shoved his throbbing burito (no not his dick, an actual burito) into Everlys badussy, she moaned violently and turned into a ;arge dildo, then they hopped out of the house crying, Moss paused unsure what to do n ext, Waluigi bent down with their faqce by MOOS ear "dont worry babydoll, ill lead the way" he whispered sensually, Moss gasped, then they felt something poke thewir asshole, she spun around and saw Walugis fake but throbbing meber fully erect, they covered their mouth in shock, "its so big" Moss muttered "i know, i just hope your ass can ahandle it" Waluigi retaliated "moss whimpered before Waluigi spun them around to do an anal on them, just then they both pauseed hearing a faint "thump......... thump..........thumpo.....thump.....thump" slowly getting closer until ther door of the sex dungeon swung open to see that giant dildo Moss loves named Everly,  she pulled out a sharpened dildo and yelled "stand down purple man, or ill jab you with my dick and this time it wont be cum coming out of you, but blood", Waluigi pulled off his ass and said "fight me, my butt gun will kill you so hard" they started battling epicly until they heard a loud "HUHHU!" followed by Goofy biting off waluigis dick causing him to scream in agony while cum spewed out of where hid dick used to be, Everly grabbed Waluoigi and threw him out of the window, MOss And Everly asked Goofy if he needed to shower, he said yes and they all went toi thee bathroom and sexed hard in the shower, the end

Moss, Everly, and the Waluigi sexbot 69000Where stories live. Discover now