Chapter 1

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Emmaline raced through the jungle, her thoughts racing and her heart drumming against her chest. She glanced back,  her eyes quickly scanning the greenery in search for her chasers. the next thing she knew, she had run into something, or rather someone and falling towards the ground.


Annaliese's eyes fluttered open and the first thing she felt was something cold, wet and hard pressing against her left cheek. She groaned and sat up only to lose balance once again and fall back to the muddy ground on her face. sighing, she carefully sat back up again and brushed the small pebbles off her cheek and ran her fingers across the engravings they had left. she squinted and looked around her, trying to figure out where she was. Then it all came back to her. The attack. The ship. The horrible storm. The cries for help. 'Emmaline' she thought, 'where is  Emmaline?' 

She scrambled up , and felt a searing pain in her right leg. incing, she limped to the closest tree she could find and leant against it to catch her breath. Once she regained her breathing, Annaliese searched for her sister. the sun began to set and dread climbed up her throat as a sob escaped. her worst fears had come true, Emmaline was gone. Her sister. Her twin was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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