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Hello everyone and anyone who's interested in Mutual Help. Most of you know what happened but I'd still like to give general information to those who don't since there's still many readers who are very confused. Mutual Help was more than half-way done when Wattpad decided to remove it from this app.

I contacted them right away and the only response I ever got was an automatic response that said Mutual Help violated their guidelines. I tried (and I am still trying) to get more details since from the things they have listed in their guidelines, Mutual Help doesn't seem to violate anything. The only information I could find on and off this app, is maybe the mature content that is smut but even that doesn't make sense.

Many stories contain way more explicit stuff than Mutual Help. The story was not a pure erotica, it had a plot in it. Since I have no proper detailed answer, I read a lot of articles (so I'm not sure if it's true), but there's a chance people reported the story and Wattpad decided to take it down without properly checking it.

I tried contacting Wattpad without even mentioning my story getting deleted – and I still got the same response about MH being deleted because of violating their guidelines. The whole thing is very sketchy on their part. They clearly know about me, us and the story itself – and they're choosing to ignore it. I'm still trying everything I can to bring it back because it is heartbreaking to lose a story this way.

As of now, I just don't see it positively at all. I've tried everything I could so far and I'm still ignored. Many questions were answered on my tumblr that is linked in my BIO.

I've decided not to repost Mutual Help here again, because in their response it stated that if I did that – they would just remove my account entirely and I'm not going to risk that. And this way I ask you, please do not repost and translate Mutual Help (or any of my stories) without my permission. I do not allow it.

I've encountered many people that ignorantly reposted it without my permission after MH got deleted. Please, understand that I do not have time and energy to deal with this. Please respect my wishes and do not go against them.

Despite everything, I decided to continue this story because it's my baby. I'm still hoping Wattpad would just wake up and bring it back. Meanwhile, it is going to be primarily updated on my AO3 (Archiveofourown) that is linked in my BIO too. Please do read the bio in my profile, there's information there for a reason. You will find your answers and links to most of your questions there. Mutual Help is also reposted on my Tumblr.

And lastly, thank you to everyone who continues to support Mutual Help. It's my baby and I'm planning to finish it. It is taking a while and Wattpad fucking me over definitely didn't help – but I am trying so please, be patient and kind to each other.

Your Mimi x 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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