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it was a regular day at work for y/n, taking orders and making them, and sometimes getting a tip. her friend momoi walked in with a couple of people she hasn't seen before. one was tall and broad with blonde hair, another one had glasses and silky black hair, and the last one was very unusual. his hair was dark blue, and he had a bit of a darker skin complex. he was tall as well, but he looked younger than the others. 

"hi y/n!", momoi said, enthusiastic like always. 

"Hey! the usual for you and...", y/n stopped because she didn't know their names. 

"one matcha, one banana milk, and... rose tea."

"alright, that will be (random price), but i'll cut it down, just for you" y/n says with a wink and a finger on her mouth.

momoi thanks her and pays, and they go sit down. "order for momoi!", y/n calls out, and the blue haired boy comes and grabs the drinks with a small smile. he gives a little nod and y/n gives a small smile in return. 


momoi and her friends were still at the boba shop when y/n's shift was over. she went to the break room and changed her clothes and made her way to go sit with momoi before she left for the day.

"oh hey! your shift over?", momoi asked with a huge smile on her face. "yea finally, im exhausted.", y/n responded with a big huff of air. 

"so are you in high school?", the one with the glasses asks. "i just moved from another city, my mom enrolled me in Tōō Academy."

all of their faces gave off a shocked look, including aomine, who wasnt even paying attention for most of the conversation. "that's where we all go!", momoi exclaimed which gave the table looks from everyone else in the shop. 

"oh thats good, atleast ill know some people there then.", y/n said with a grin as she got up and pushed in her chair. "i gonna get going, i have to do a couple things at home", y/n said with a small nod. 

"awe if only we could talk longer... say! just give me your number!", momoi yelled and y/n did as she said. after giving the pink haired girl her number, she waved at her coworkers and left the shop. 

A/N: omg  im actually uploading bc i have nothing better to do.

idk where this story is gonna go but fuck it we roll

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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