victor nikiforov

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Hi there I'm victor nikiforov I started fighting when I was just a kid my dad died when I was just  5 so there's that I don't like to say much so my story will be short compared to yuris oops sorry I let yuri tell his own story so long. Hi there my name is yuri katsuki if victor didn't brag all this while about me I didn't want to fight he was the one who pulled me into it and just like victor my story will be short to we Fought in the army we'll I should say russian army for 3 years now its been hard on us Especially when we have a dog victor worries to much about him his name is makkachin he's a very good friend to victor so he watches out for him oh times up sorry I can't tell you more don't wanna die see you later. Victor and yuri.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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