~chapter 1~

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Ojiro Mashirao was a pretty average guy. According to himself, he possessed no interesting qualities. His short, sandy blond hair lay neatly on his head and his eyes were a dull, and very dark, shade of brown. Ojiro Mashirao was a pretty average guy. His build was rather muscular, but his clothing was decidedly boring. His cream wardrobe held many of the same t-shirt in different colours and multiple pairs of jeans or cargos, and the occasional pair of shorts or sweatpants. There were only three pairs of shoes in the bottom of his wardrobe: a pair of tatty black converse superstars, black running shoes, and some grey crocs. Ojiro Mashirao was a pretty average guy.

But, the one thing that wasn't average about him was his quirk. A large, thick tail with a tuft of hair on the tip, the same shade of basic blond as his hair. He hated it. It took up way too much room and made getting around difficult. In Ojiro's humble opinion, it was his worst feature. Not his mud brown eyes or his weird face. Not his crooked teeth or his strangely large hands. No, his tail was definitely the worst. As he straightened his red tie and slung his average bag over his average left shoulder, Ojiro sighed deeply. School was fine, a bit lonely but it wasn't awful. Class 1A was nice enough, even if he didn't have any friends.
The harsh early spring winds whipped his face, reddening his cheeks and causing his tie to flail about aimlessly. Mac DeMarco played through his earbuds as Ojiro plodded along the same path he took every day to school. The soles of his converse made light tapping noises as they touched the concrete of the pavement.
Class 1A was loud and lively, which was particularly odd considering it was 8am on a Tuesday. Ojiro's average leg bounced nervously under the desk, which seemed to be covered all over with graffiti and gum. How do these people have so much energy this early in the morning? Ojiro tried his best to calm himself as the noise in the classroom began to rapidly rise. It was so loud that he couldn't hear the boy behind him speaking to him. "Hey!! Are you okay? you're shaking like crazy." Mashirao whipped his head around, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Woah dude...are you okay?" The boys soft golden eyes made Ojiro immediately calm, the light freckles splattered across his cheeks distracted him from the cacophony of noise in the room. "Um..yeah. Yeah i'm fine, it's just loud in here that's all." Ojiro chuckled slightly but the other boys concerned expression did not falter. "I don't think we've met. I'm Kaminari, Denki Kaminari!" Kaminari. The name rang in his ear like hearing a song for the first time and knowing it will forever be your favourite. A rosey blush dusted his cheeks and his stomach flipped like an acrobat. "O-Ojiro, Mashirao Ojiro."
Lunch approached quickly and once again, Ojiro was sat by himself in the back corner. He prodded the sushi his mother had packed for him with his chopsticks, uninterested in eating anything at the moment. Besides, he was eating too much recently anyway. There's no way he would look better if he ate so much. Ojiro subconsciously covered his stomach as he leant back in his chair and stared at the seafood in front of him. A bright, glowing voice broke him from his trance, "Ojiro! How are you doing man?"
"Hi Kaminari, I'm doing okay." It was weird to actually have a conversation in school with anyone that wasn't his teachers. But despite that, it was nice to talk to someone for a change. Maybe, just maybe, he could finally make a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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