Chapter 1: Selene's Death

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A man always draws a woman's face after he saw her at the train terminal it was love at first sight for him. One morning, he went to the train with a pencil and paper waiting to see the woman again.

My name is tom, I'm an art teacher i always take the train to my class to teach.I always draw the people I pass on the train and I give it to them afterwards.

"Young lady, I drew you, I hope you like it"- I said to the woman next to me inside the train.

"Oh, thank you, that's great!"- she replied.

She smiled after saying thank you.

I got off the train and went straight to my class.

"Students, we will have poster making on monday. I hope one of you wins against another section". I said.

They nodded and said goodbye because our class was over.

I first went to 7-11 to buy food.I went to the train station to go home.I met Selene on the way to the train station.Selene is my friend, I like her but I don't say it because I don't want to break our friendship.

"Selene, do you want me to draw you?" I said

"okay?"- she responded.

I drew Selene's beautiful face and I even made one for me.

"Is it good?" I asked.

"Yes,yes it is!" She replied

We went down and said goodbye to each other.

I always look at the picture I drew because Selene is so beautiful.

The next day, I waited for Selene but she didn't come. I canceled our class first because I was worried about Selene. I call her but she doesn't answer.I called her repeatedly but no one answered.

a few hours later someone called me, I looked at it and it was selene. I answered it in a hurry because I was worried too much for her but it wasn't Selene who called me.It's a policeman.

"Sir? Are you Selene's Boyfriend?" -The police said.

"No,I'm just his friend. Why? What happened..?"- I asked him with concern.

"S-Selene is dead. She has pencil stabs in her eyes." - said the police.

"What? Where are you now?" I said

"It's better we don't tell you first." - replied the policeman and hung up the phone.

I was annoyed with the police because he didn't tell me what location they were in. I went to selene's house but they weren't there.

The police called again and said;
"Sir, please go to this location *****".

The police also immediately turned off the phone.

I immediately went to the location the police said.

I was surprised by selene's face, it had a pencil stab in the eye.What happened to her
was very brutal.

I couldn't sleep that night,thinking who would do such an unforgivable thing.

Selene has no relatives because she grew up in an orphanage, so I was the one who arranged everything for her.

A few days passed and she was going to be buried.

"Selene, I promise, I will take revenge.Just wait, and justice will be done for your death."-I said to Selene.

Then I left.The next day, I resigned as an art teacher. Because I have memories with Selene going to train station.

I burned all the photos of me and selene.the only thing I left was the one I drew her before the incident happened.

I'm traumatized by what happened to Selene. But my question to myself is, "Who would do this?"

I looked everywhere for evidence but I couldn't find anything.

I went to selene's house to look for evidence.I saw a photo of a man,Next to it is a letter; "Honey, this may be our last meeting, because I'm leaving for paradise. I can't handle a rope, a knife, or vase,Maybe the pencil is the key to my problems.I hope we will meet again,My love."

"S-Selene has a boyfriend?" I said to myself.

It's like breaking my heart when I see this. I did everything for her. So I became suspicious of her boyfriend.

To be Continued.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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