Chapter 1: Reunited

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"Thank you Frog Lady!" 

Anne smiled as she watched a group as a school group of kids left before putting Sprig back into his enclosure. She felt a pang watching the little pink frog jump around, it reminded her of her old friend back in Amphibia, Sprig. Today, May 23rd, was the 10th Anniversary since she first arrived in Amphibia. Which just happened to also be her 23rd birthday!

10 years in the future, Anne was still living in Los Angeles, California. Shehad moved out of her parents' house into an apartment on the UCLA campus. She's currently studying herpetology, and has a job at the frog exhibit in the aquarium, hoping to destigmatize kids from thinking frogs are gross, like she used to.

"Anna Banana!!" someone called from the entrance to the amphibian exhibit.

Anne turned around as soon as she heard it. There were only two people that called her that, and judging by the sound of the voice, she knew exactly who had said it.

"Mar-Mar!!" Anne exclaimed, running towards her old friends. There stood Marcy and Sasha, each of them looking better than ever with their hair grown out and their slick new senses of style. 

Anne embraced the two girls, happier than ever that they were finally reunited.

"Where's my welcome?" Sasha retorted. Although her voice had matured, she still had the same sassy tone. 

"Sasha, it's great to see you too!" Anne said, giving sasha her own hug. She meant it, too. She hadn't seen Sasha in four years, since their high school graduation. Despite them falling apart they were still close friends, so seeing her always brought a smile to Anne's face.

But Anne was still most happy to see Marcy. With Anne's tight schedule and her family's strictness, she was never able to visit her. No even in college, since she used all her holidays to visit family. She was so happy that they'd come to visit her for this special occasion.

Marcy set down her gift bag she had brought for Anne and put her hands on her friends' shoulders. 

"Ugh, my girls! It's so good to finally see you two in the flesh," she said, her dull brown eyes seeming to take in every detail of Anne. Anne laughed and hugged them both again.

"I'm so happy to be together with you guys as well," Anne replied, tears forming in her eyes. The three of them stood there like that for what felt like forever. Separated for ten years, Anne was so happy to just hold her girls in her arms. It was so unreal. If only this moment could last forever; she never wanted it to end.

Eventually though, Sasha did pull away.

"Girls, I'm so happy to see you guys too, but I'm also starving. Are you two on for an early dinner?"

Anne checked her watch. It was 4:51.

"Yeah," Anne replied, quickly wiping away a tear that had fallen on her cheek. "My shift just ended so we can go to this sushi place downtown if that sounds good?"

"That does sound nice," Sasha started. "But I was thinking maybe Thai Go? I've been craving your dad's Khao Pad."

"Ooo yeah!" Marcy chimed in. "Plus, will your parents be there? It would be great to see Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy again!"

Anne laughed. "Yeah, that's fine with me. My parents won't be done until 9:00, when the restaurant closes, so we can totally go see them now. I honestly don't care WHERE we go, as long as you two are there."

Sasha laughed and flicked Anne's forehead affectionately.

"You're so corny, Boonchuy," she teased. "Well, let's go, we'll meet you there."

Ten Years Later: A Marcanne Story (Amphibia)Where stories live. Discover now