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1. The normal world

All people was living normal in earth but there is something that they doesn't know, the news said that there's a virus spreading around the country and they called it "100 life" all people still live normal in the earth because the virus was safe. The scientists tests the virus on a child they kill the child and after a few minutes the child came back to life and his life is only 99 the scientists are still working to know where the virus came from.

2. The mystery

there is a few people killing theirselfs to try the virus, there is a family kill thierselfs  and they came back. There's a little boy who wants to know if the life counts turns into 0. He kills his self until his life turns into 40 when his life turns 40 he didn't stop he still kills his self and his life turns into 20 he still kills his self until his life turns into 10,9,8,7,6, 5,4,3,2,1 he stops killing his self when his life is 1. He decides to end his life, when he ends his life he teleports fast in a galaxy.

3. The other universe

He got confuse because he saw many strange things around the galaxy he saw an purple dragon and a few strange people he walks through a door and it opens itself he got scared but he still walks in while his walking he slipped and fell down he screams loud and but no one saves him, he thought he died but he realize that he fell in a fluffy big floor, he walks down and he saw a big pink dragon he doesn't know what to do so he just find a way out, the pink dragon wokes up it saw him and he runs away from it.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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