how it all started. and ended

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Once upon a time, there were two high school boys named Yuk and Tibia. They were both well known around their school for being troublemakers. They often got into fights and didn't seem to have any friends. They were both judged harshly by their peers for their tough-guy attitudes, but nobody ever tried to get to know them.

It was a Thursday afternoon, and Yuk and Tibia were walking home together from school, when they spotted a group of boys from their school walking towards them. The boys were notorious bullies who often picked on other students. Yuk and Tibia decided to avoid the group, but it was too late. The bullies had spotted them, and there was no escape. The group of boys made a beeline for them, and a fight broke out.

Yuk and Tibia were outnumbered, but they fought with all their might. They ducked and weaved as they tried to fend off their attackers. It was a brutal fight, and both boys were bruised and bloodied by the end of it. The other boys finally gave up and ran away, leaving Yuk and Tibia on the ground, battered and bruised.

Yuk lay on the ground, unable to move. Tibia was sitting beside him, also breathing heavily. They didn't speak at first, but after a few moments, Tibia looked over at Yuk and said, "You know, you're not half bad." Yuk turned his head to look at Tibia, surprised by his words. Tibia continued speaking. "I don't know why we always fight like this. Maybe we should just... I don't know... talk or something." There was a moment of silence as Yuk considered Tibia's words. Finally, he spoke. "You know what, Tibia, I think you might be onto something."

From that day on, Yuk and Tibia started hanging out. They discovered that they had a lot in common, such as their love of action movies and heavy metal music. They still had their fights occasionally, but they usually ended in laughter and mutual understanding. It was like they had formed an unbreakable bond.

One day, Yuk and Tibia were walking through the park, enjoying the warm spring weather. It was one of those days when everything seemed perfect, and nothing could go wrong. Tibia looked over at Yuk and smiled. "Hey, Yuk, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Yuk raised an eyebrow, a little puzzled.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I... I think I might like you," Tibia said, hesitantly. Yuk was taken aback by his words. He had never thought of Tibia that way before.

"I...I don't know what to say," Yuk said.

"It's okay," Tibia said quickly. "I just wanted you to know. We can still be friends."

"Of course," Yuk said quickly, smiling. But inside, his heart was racing. He had never felt this way about anyone before. For the next few days, Yuk couldn't stop thinking about Tibia. He found himself looking at him in a different way, noticing the way his muscles moved under his shirt and the way his hair curled around his face. He couldn't shake the way he felt, but he was too afraid to tell Tibia.

One day, Yuk and Tibia were hanging out in Tibia's bedroom, watching an old horror movie. Tibia was lying on his bed, and Yuk was sitting beside him. Yuk couldn't concentrate on the movie, though. His mind was elsewhere. Suddenly, Tibia turned to him and said, "Yuk, I have something to tell you." Yuk looked over, a little nervous.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I like you, too," Tibia said, smiling.

Yuk's heart nearly stopped in his chest. "Really?" he whispered.

"Really," Tibia said. And then he leaned over and kissed him.

It was a gentle kiss, at first, but soon it deepened as they both poured their hearts and souls into it. It was like a dam had burst inside of them, releasing years of pent-up feelings. They broke apart after a few moments, both gasping for air. Yuk looked into Tibia's eyes, and he knew that this was where he belonged.

After that day, Yuk and Tibia were inseparable. They started dating, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. People at their school still judged them, but they didn't care. They had each other, and that was all that mattered.

Years passed, and Yuk and Tibia graduated from high school. They moved in together, and eventually got married. They spent the rest of their lives together, and on their deathbeds, they held hands and smiled at each other. They knew that they had been meant to be together from that first fight in high school. And they were grateful for it, every day of their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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