W e l c o m e + R u l e s

43 1 0

Welcome to my story ideas book.

I'm the type of person who has a lot of ideas but can't be bothered to write it, or I rather someone else write it. Since this book will need order I havee some rules you must follow.

-password is teddy bears

- Payment is a follow and mention in the book and dedication (so I can add it to my reading list)

- you can only ask for one story (so pick wisely)

- you have one week to post the first chapter or I will put it for sale again

-you HAVE to use the form, no randomly just using my idea or i will hunt you down

-I can deny you if I want, this is not a first come first serve thing

-Once accepted I will PM you the details of the story

- real password is : bananas in pyjamas

- you must update reguarly, min once every 2 weeks(I want to read the books!)


Title (you can change it if you want):

Characters you are going to change:

Any ideas for this?:

Do you promise to do my rules? (Pinky swear?):

Thats it!! Requesting is now open!

Ma Story IdeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora