Chapter 1- A new beginning

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It was 5th period for me, and I had art. Boring! My friend evie called me over, and we walked together. We have been friends since day one of high school, and we would never leave each other.

In art, I was sitting next to my best friend called Mason. He was so funny and we would always have a laugh together. "Rosie Gallagher?" Announced the teacher. I stood up, looking confused at her, and all of a sudden, my heart stopped.

"No. No. You're lying! They can't be dead. My mum and uncle can't be dead!" I screamed. I dropped onto my knees with a thousand tears, dripping off my face one after the other. "You will have to stay with one of your friends as I know they were your only family." She murmered.

I walked back into class with everyone silent, and all eyes were on me. I could tell people wanted to know I was okay, so I stood back up and shouted, 'IF anyone is wondering, I am fine. For details come to me'. I then sat back down and got with my work. I could tell Mason was worried about me, so I told him. His face was in shock.

After class, I ran up to evie and explained what had happened. She said her parents would definitely take her in. I walked to her house, and Charlotte took me in, and she gave me my favourite dinner. I felt great full that she took me in, and we went to bed early as we were searching my uncles house to collect my stuff. Woohoo! I have to be up at 6:00am. We went to bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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