Chapter One

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I waded through the water that licked at my hips, gentle like the tounge of a young cat nestled against it's mother. I brushed my carmel brown hair behind my ear as I looked up at the small red floaty in the center of the lake.

With my eyes shut and lungs filled with as much air as they could be filled with, I swam slowly out to the red dot in the distance. When I stopped for breath, I could only think of what may be beneath me at that time. Lake Charles wasn't your average day at the beach location, but it still had what it needed to count as a typical lake. That included half naked girls and boys laying all over each other, soft sand to walk on, and toothed fish.

On my last break through the surface of the water, I reached for the floaty and pulled myself on top of it, breathing hard. I sighed loudly and rolled onto my back, showing my bare stomach. I didn't feel self concious of the cleavage that was practically falling out of my top, I mean, this was a floaty in the middle of a lake that no one went to unless there was some party, which there wasn't, for people to go to. Plus, sadly, I did enjoy being a bit volumptuous. If course it had it's ups and downs, but for the most part, being a 17 year old who had a chest like an implanted girl was alright.

"I love you're top." A low, rumblely voice complimented. I wrapped my arms around my chest immediately, blood flushing to my cheeks. "Ooh, I like your blush too. It really brings out your eyes." The voice taunted again. I sat up quickly, bringing my knees to my chest to cover my stomach, and looked up at the voice.

This voice was hot. The boy that sat lazily by my side had curly blonde hair that stood out like a sore thumb against his tanned skin, of course, it was a hot sore thumb. He had blazing blue eyes and a sloping, taught jaw that was relaxed as though he had not a care in the world. The boy turned to me, his blue eyes slowly studying my body. The blush came back.

He smirked at that, a glint of amusement shining boldly in his eyes. My face burned from all the blood that was now rushing to my cheeks, trying as hard to survive my tanned skin as to be noticed.

I wish I could call myself one of those girls who could easily say some smart, funny comeback, but I can not. I was one of those girls who kept her head down when she was noticed, who would rather stay in the dark where no one could see her dissaponting flaws, who wasn't even part of the society enough to be called a wallflower, because at least those people had a specific catagory they could always find comfort in. I just wasn't that bold.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly, almost hoping he didn't hear me. I pulled knees closer to my body, hugging them with my arms and averting my gaze from the boys eyes to the water that was pushing up against the floaty, eager to hear his response.

"The name is Blayden. And may I have the pleasure of knowing you're name, darling?"

"I, uh, I'm Micky." I answered quickly, swiping the end of my hair off of my neck. Blayden eyed my hair with a curious look on his face. He kept his gaze on the short locks that fell only to my mid neck area. I watched him watch me, wondering why this boy, who obviously had a life, hadn't jumped off of this floaty as fast as he could.

"So why are you here?" Blayden asked, leaning back on his elbows, his arm muscles rippling furiously at the amount of effort it took to hold up this tall, extremely toned boy.

"I, uh, actually live just off the edge of the lake and i, uh, I just sorta like to come out here to, I don't know, just to be out here I guess. Why are you here?" I answered, trying to make small talk. Blayden chuckled, his shoulders skipping up and down with each intake of breath. He turned his head and looked at me, smirking.

"I guess I came here to meet Destiny."

"Oh, you have a girl friend." My face drooped at the thought. At that, Blayden literally began to laugh the tears out of his eyes. I stared at him, dumbfound.

"No." Blayden continued laughing. "It's metaphor. I meant that I was destined to meet you. I was supposed to be a seductive joke."

"Oh, uh, okay. I, uh, I'm very seduced."I lied. Blayden laughed again.

"I can tell. Ya know? By the way your only showing the skin on your arms, legs, and face. Very convincing, Micky." I frowned, unamused.

"Arms, legs, and faces are what's supposed to be showing." I explained.

"I guess I'm just not used to that. I guess I'm more used to seeing girls without there bathing suits on, not afraid to be seen in bathing suits." I flinched, discussed at the though of speaking to a, a, non virgin.

When I didn't respond, Blayden filled in the gap of non communication.

"If I dared you to move your arms and legs and let me admire your beautiful swim suit top again, would you?"

"No." I responded quickly. Blayden inched closer to me, slowly, as if he was planning something. He spoke softly when he did speak.

"Then I'll just have to tickle you. I mean, what else am i supposed to do if you won't let me see that amazing swims suit.?" Blayden lunged at me and I skreeched like a baby being forced to eat their vegtables. He tickled me everywhere there was to be tickled, and then, the unthinkable happened. As he moved to tickle my sides, he over shot and his finger flicked under my suim suit top, unhook in it.

My hands were still covering myself so the top didn't fly off but Blayden didn't notice what he had done. He kept tickling my sides and I released my hold on the top. All I saw was blue and purple triangles flying through the air and onto the surface of the water.

I screemed, holding my chest and covering myself with my legs. Now Blayden noticed. He laughed histaricaly.

"Now this is what im used to." He hooted and I yelled at him.

"Well I'm freaking not! Now go get my top before I'm rip your eyes out and shove them down your throat!" I became flushed with embarrassment. Blayden, still laughing, dove into the lake and retrieved my top. He pulled himself onto the floaty and slid over to me. I turned my back to him and twisted my neck so I could see him.

"Blayden, I'll ask you to put my top on, but if you can't handle it, I can try it myself. Now, will you please put my top back on without, er, uh, I don't know, but without being inappropriate?" Blayden chuckled.

"Maybe." I turned my head back around and slowly released my chest. I felt so exposed with a boy I just met, yet comfortable, and that bothered me. Blayden, like the good boy he is, handed me the top and I arranged it around my chest the way it was supposed to go, and moved my arm so he could clip the back.

He pulled tightly, making me gasp at the force. He clipped it together and spoke.

"There's barley any room, girl. You should be proud of that." He chuckled again and I turned my body to face him. I completely forgot to cover my chest and Blayden's eyes immediately strolled casually down to my chest. He smiled a wolfish smile and I gasped.

"Blayden!" I pulled knees to cover myself again and he chuckled.

"I try. I try." He laughed loudly. "But its just so darn hard.

"Yeah? Well, too bad."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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