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Creator comment: EEEE I hope to get more inspo to write more ehe! Enjoy, if this made you cry I'm so sorry...


Ei was walking off. Off to handle some "business".

In reality, she had a package of dango milk waiting for her.

"Miko! I'll be off now!" Ei said. "What?" Yae answered coldly.

Ei sensed something was up. "Miko? Is something wrong?" She asked. "Well..." Yae mumbled, embarrassed. "Oh, Miko... you can always tell me what's going on. Ok?" Ei said in a comforting manner.

Should she tell her? Should she tell her god?

Yes. She should.

"I...I don't want you to leave Ei!!" Yae finally blurted out. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Miko?! Are you?!" Ei said shocked. She ran up to Yae. "Please Ei! Don't leave me again. Every time you leave my presence, I feel like you are going to lock yourself in your consciousness! It was so painful waiting for you,"


"I can't stand it when you leave for more than a second!"


"I don't want you to go!"


Ei yelled to gather the crying Miko's attention.

Miko's head was down in shame.

"Why did I say this?" Yae said in her mind, nervous.

"I'm so sorry. I was only trying to see if anyone dropped off my dango milk. I do not want to see you in pain," Ei said calmly. She held Yae's hand, "Miko, you don't have to endure the pain of loneliness any longer. I am here. And I am here to stay, for all of eternity... Don't battle this pain by yourself, Miko!" Ei said.

The once sly and teasing fox started sobbing in Ei's presence. "Oh, E-Ei... You do not deserve to see me in this state!" Yae said, struggling to speak. Ei brought Yae into a hug. "Miko... How did I let this slip through me? You poor fox," Ei stroked Yae's hair.

"You left me for 500 years, Of course you let this slip through you!" Yae mumbled.

Yae looked up at her god. Her face was red and flustered. "It's been so long since I've been touched by her. Like this..." Yae said in her mind. She placed her head onto Ei, Ei smiled as she blushed slightly.

Miko soon fell asleep on Ei, what remained of her tears were wiped off by Ei. As the god carried her loyal familiar to a couch for them to sit on. Yae was still sleeping on Ei, "Miko... You're awfully cute when you sleep, you know?" Ei whispered, kissing Miko on her head.

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