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My name is ,Miles Morales. I'm Brooklyn's one and only 'Spider-Man' and things are going great.

"Miles Morales," the teacher said sliding his Math paper forward to display his grade, "you've failed... Again..."

On the paper, was written '20%' in bold red. Miles held the paper in his hand, once again feeling disappointed.

"Both you and I know that your guardians won't be pleased with this." The teacher continued. Miles silently nodded his head, now turning to face his teacher.

"Are you going to have me kicked out?" Miles asked. "Well, if I remember correctly, during your first few days here, you had tried to purposely fail in all your test just to leave the school. But over time you've grown to accept the fact that you won't leave this school because I won't let you. You're a bright boy Morales, I won't deny that, and I also won't deny that something like this will lead you to leaving Visions. Especially since you're not faking this." The teacher continued, as she pointed her pen to his paper. Miles nodded in understanding, now waiting for whatever that may come.

"However," the teacher said once more, "I'll admit that you are one of the school's brightest pupils, and one of my brightest learners. You've given me a good name and I'm not planning on losing it. Which is why I'm assigning you to be tutored."

Miles stared at her in shock, "What-- wait-- I don't need a tutor. I can improve alone--" "That's what you told me the last twelve times we've been here, now tell me which improvement have you made so far?" The teacher asked, making Miles finally stay quiet. She was right though, he... hasn't made an improvement at all.. His scale has only gone one way, and that is...






Yeah he's going to need major help. "Don't take it hard Morales. I know your characteristics, which is why I asked a student instead of one of our own teachers. You'll be comfortable around them, trust me, she's perfect for you." The teacher assured him, making him cock his brow in confusion.

"She...?" "Yes she. I've already notified her about you, you two will meet here tomorrow, same time same place." She explained.


Soon, Miles was aloud to leave and he made his way to his dorm room. He climbed up his bed and sighed in exhaustion. "You okay?" His roommate asked. "Yeah... I'm, fine..." Miles answered, now falling into deep slumber.

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