Regarding Requests and Contents

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I will do:
•Platonic ships
•Family bonding
•Romantic ships
•Angst with happy ending/comfort
•Character×Reader (As long as it's legal)

I will not do:
•Angst with bad ending/no comfort
•Major character death

Romantic Ships

I will do:
•Raeda×Reader (lol that name)
•Other (specify)

If same age or over 18:
•Other (specify)

I will not do:

Platonic/Familial ONLY

•Luz & Eda
•Luz & King
•Luz & Hunter
•Camila & Luz
•Camila & Hunter
•Luz & Vee
•Raine & Child!reader
•Eda & Child!reader
•Luz & Adopted sibling!reader
•Lilith & Reader
•Lilith & Hooty
•King & Collector
•Luz & Collector
•Other (specify)

Comment Rules

You may:
•Make jokes about any spelling errors I make (because I do that a lot)
•Correct pronouns if I get them wrong (because unfortunately I've done that before. I will immediately fix it if it's pointed out to me, I take that kind of thing very seriously)
•Correct my Spanish if/when I write it (I can't speak it for the life of me, and will probably use Google translate...)
•Talk to each other KINDLY
•Share headcanons and opinions in a NICE way
•Ask questions regarding the chapter
•Compliment myself or others (Always appreciated)
•Start queer cults in the comments
•Petition to murder Belos
•Use silly nicknames for characters (Like "Raine Rizzpers")

You may not:
•Insult myself or others
•Make fun of a request or ship
•Write hate comments about a character or ship
•Start fights with others
•Talk about r#pe
•Say you want a character dead (unless it's Belos)
•Comment homophobic or transphobic things

Chapter Headings
•If a chapter has any potentially triggering content, I will put it at the beginning of the chapter with "CW"
•A "short chapter" is anything under the word count of 1000
•A "long chapter is anything over the word count of 1500
•If a chapter is fluffy with no angst or smut, it will have yellow hearts 💛
•If a chapter is spicy but not smutty, it will have orange hearts 🧡
•If a chapter is smutty, it will have red hearts ❤️
•If a chapter is a platonic ship, it will have purple hearts 💜
•If a chapter is angsty, it will have black hearts 🖤
•If you can't see the emojis, I will also put warnings for angst, spice, and smut at the beginning of the chapter, so don't worry :)

Please follow the rules, and I hope you enjoy the story 😊

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