Author's Note: A follow up to Cataclysm. A collaboration with DALLYsaysSHUTup

The crunch of tires up the driveway surely meant Randy and company were home. There was a slight chance it was Mr. Adderson off work early, though it was highly unlikely. The Adderson patriarch himself couldn't remember the last time he'd left work on time, let alone early. Four car doors slamming confirmed Dani's suspicions. Incessant chatter grew louder as her brother and his friends made their way inside. Only three sets of footsteps preceded the front door closing.

"Where've you been?" Dani asked boredly, catching the boys just as they entered the den. No doubt aiming to get into the liquor cabinet. Randy was flanked by David and his little brother Tommy all three looking unkempt. Their fearless leader was nowhere to be seen. Not the crew she'd expected; Tommy was all of thirteen, maybe fourteen. Odd they had willingly let him tag along.

Randy stopped, looking at her unenthusiastically, "Don't worry about it." He sure liked to act tough in front of his friends, as if they weren't also her friends. Any opportunity to assert authority like he ran the show he'd jump on. Even if it was as simple as being snarky to his little sister. He'd never step up when it counted, though. Randy was a follower and always would be. She decided to let the attitude slide as they shut the door in her face.

Crossing through the foyer and out the front door, she suspected she would find their missing counterpart. Bob sat on the front steps staring blankly ahead. Descending the stairs Dani nearly gasped at the sight of him. He looked like he'd been plucked out of a crime scene; her stomach sank at the realization he most likely had. His hands were red, his knuckles raw and bruising. Blood was caked onto his rings; the diamonds adorning his grandfather's ring looked like rubies. It didn't take much to piece together that the blood splattered on the front of him was not his own. Outside of a rumble, she'd never seen him this disheveled.

Wordlessly she sat down beside the older boy. His left hand held a flask, as of late he never left the house without it. In his right hand, a cigarette. That should have been the most surprising aspect here. Bob rarely smoked, socially for the most part. Of all the boundaries he loved to push, he had enough respect for Mr. and Mrs. Adderson not to smoke inside their home. Truthfully, he'd just needed a moment to himself away from the boys.

Dani's presence was, surprisingly, welcomed. Bob found comfort in it that he hadn't realized he'd needed. Typically, Dani commanded any room she was in. Charming. Fearless. Wild. Smart. Unlike her brother, she always knew what she wanted and stopped at no means to get it. Never in her life had she stepped back and let anyone tell her what to do. In almost every way she was Bob's mirror image. Two pages of the same book. Both were second-born in prominent families, striving to outshine their perceived perfect older brothers. Starving for attention from parents that were far too busy with anything else. They shared a bond deeper than most realized and had for a very long time.

The ash at the end of his cigarette began to curl as it burnt down. Slowly flaking off, falling down at his feet. The blonde hadn't seen him take a single drag, it was more of a prop than anything. Bob's arms rested on his knees. It took a keen eye to notice the slight tremor in his hands. The adrenaline that had surged through his veins was now dissipating. Expelling itself in tiny involuntary tremors. After a few more quiet moments Dani reached over, taking the half-burned cigarette from his hands. There was no resistance. It hung so loosely between his fingers she was sure any second it would fall and burn a hole in his pants. No use in wasting the whole thing.

The motion seemed to break whatever trance he was in, and he threw a sideways glance at his companion, "Smoking's bad for you," He said flatly, taking a swig from his flask. The intended sarcasm wasn't missed.

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