It's All Fun And Games Until Stairs Are Involved

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Mitsu let out a sigh, knowing that this was inevitable. She had prepared herself for what was to come, but she had forgotten to mentally prepare herself.

As she gazed upon the daunting sight of the long staircase, she could only grimace. How many steps would it take to reach the top? She had no idea and didn't want to bother counting.

Gon noticed her distress and asked, "Mitsu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she replied, wiping the sweat from her forehead. If only they had taken the elevator down, they could have taken it back up. But no, they had to endure the hellish climb up the stairs to weed out the weak.

"I could usually handle this without breaking a sweat, but someone made me run to the exam," Mitsu muttered.

Gon flashed his usual bright smile and said, "But isn't this thrilling?"

Mitsu couldn't help but shake her head. Gon was also sweating and panting. But that's normal, unlike the silver-haired boy who showed no signs of fatigue.

"This just adds sweat, Gon," Mitsu said flatly. She enjoyed physical activities, but climbing stairs was not one of them. She couldn't help but wonder why they didn't simply take the elevator.

"It's part of the test!" Gon exclaimed, his smile growing even brighter. Mitsu couldn't tell if it was her imagination, but it seemed blindingly bright.

Killua chimed in, "This is too easy, though," shrugging his shoulders.

Mitsu squinted her eyes as she turned towards Killua, who raised his brow at her. "I've been curious, why did you even take the exam?" he asked.

Although they had been together since yesterday, Killua had only learned about Gon's reason for taking the exam, not Mitsu's.

Gon perked up, curious about her answer.

Mitsu smiled slightly and opened her mouth to speak, "I want to be able to use the black market without any problems."

"The black market?" Gon asked, pondering.

"Yup! in the future i plan to build this crazy weapon but i have to get a hunters license so i can buy certain parts." Mitsu replied smiling at just the thought.

"What do you plan on making? Gon asked questioned now curious.

"it's a secret." Mitsu smiled and held a finger to her lips.

"Come on, just tell us. It's not like it's a big deal if it's you," Killua retorted.

"Hey! I have my share of secrets!" Mitsu huffed, narrowing her eyes at Killua. She then turned to Gon and asked, "Right, Gon?"

Gon, who had just been dragged into the conversation, tilted his head to the side and said, "Sure?"

"I never said you couldn't have secrets." Mitsu was dumbfounded by Killua's remark. She perked her head up to the opening of the tunnel and exclaimed, "Look, we're almost out of this tunnel!" pointing upwards.

"Way to change the subject," Killua commented. "You're just making me more curious."

"I'm curious too!" Gon added eagerly, wanting to know what Mitsu planned on making.

The blonde ignored them again. "Last one to the top has to buy us lunch!" She said as she began to run harder.

The two boys began shouting about how she had an unfair start but quickly caught up with her.

The trio simultaneously crossed the finish line,  they were greeted by the warm rays of the sun and the view of the swamp. Though and began to bicker about who had made it over first.

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