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Selva - He is the 27 year old handsome son of the school's founder and the new correspondent of the school. He looks soft on the outside but.......what ? Soft on the inside too ! He doesn't talk much, loves his family and very skillfull with business and management.

what ? Soft on the inside too ! He doesn't talk much, loves his family and very skillfull with business and management

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Madhu - She is the 30 year old hot plus-size English teacher that everyone likes. The girls admire her and the guys drool over her during classes. She is a widow. She is bold, flirty and always happy.

 She is bold, flirty and always happy

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- Madhu -

I rush downstairs as soon as I place my things in the staff room.

Today is the day our founder's son is going to start as the correspondent of this school and I'm already very late.

The damn traffic ! And my scooter got punctured too !

"Miss Madhu, you are late" the secretary Mani says as i reach the front of the correspondent office.

"I know" i whisper as i enter the office after giving him a smile.

"Madhu !" Mr Shiv, our founder, says with a beam as i enter the room.

"Sorry sir, i got stuck in the traffic and my scooty got punctured" i say as i look at him apologetically.

"No problem dear. Come meet my son Selva. Selva, this is our high school English teacher Madhu. She is the apple of my eye here. And she is the head of the teacher's council and the most responsible person you will see in this campus. Any trivial matter, discuss with her" he says as he taps the shoulder of the man near him.

My eyes shift to see the most cutest handsome guy i have ever seen.

He is the son of Mr Shiv ? He looks like the Indian version of a Ken doll.

I give him my usual smile as he gives me a nod of acknowledgement. And just like that his eyes go down to my bust before he quickly looks away with his cheeks flushing.

Aw poor boy is shy.

Mr Shiv takes exits the office after that, leaving us both alone.

"Good morning sir" i say as i take my seat infront of his table.

"Good morning mam" he says with a cute smile.

"Did anyone explain you about anything before ?" I ask as i take the file of our school in my hand.

"Uhm no, appa said you will explain everything when i come here" he says scratching the back of his neck making me chuckle.

"Worry not, he is right. I just wanted to know if you already have an idea" i say as i stand up and walk around the table.

I place the file infront of him so that he could read off it and see the pictures.

I start explaining him our fee structure, building blocks, houses, strength and everything.

He asks questions here and there for which i answered him clearly.

I felt his eyes on my bust but i chose to ignore it because I was bending top close beside him so it is hard to ignore them.

"Thank you so much for taking time to explain mam. I will call you upon any doubts" he says with a smile as i walk back around infront of the table.

"Sure sir" i say as i take one of the visiting cards on the table and take my pen from the blouse of my saree.

Selva visibly gulps looking at it.

I write down my number and pass it to him.

"Have a good day sir" i say before walking out of his office.

"Mam you are looking so nice today" one of my students from 11th grade says as i enter the senior block.

I just give him a smile as i walk past him to my first class.

My mind wanders back to Selva and his cute self before i enter the class.

He is one heck of a cutie !

Thank you babes ❤️

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