Dirk X Reader (+Jake) (Red-Rom)

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"Strider. The infamous Mr. Strider, tying the knot already?? Jeez..." Jake chuckled, sitting across from his old friend. He had a certain sparkle in his unhidden eyes.

"Jealous are you Jake??" He smirked

"Yeah yeah... Super jealous Strider... Super jealous.." sarcasm lacing his tone.

"I know!" Dirk chuckles, "Let's grab a drink... I'm sure _________ won't mind if I'm a little tardy..." He slaps a hand on the others shoulder as they walk.

"Yeah. Sure... Whatever you say Dirk..." Jake hikes up his backpack and pushes up his glasses.

A few shots in, Dirk laughs and pulls Jake out of the bar with a whine of protest.

"C'mon Jake! I gotta get home..." Dirk rubbed his eyes

"Strider... Wait..." Jake slouched on the wall and weakly grabbed for Dirk as he kept stumbling, "Dirk wait!!!" Jake ran to catch him as a there is a loud *CRASH*. Jake drops next to him and calls 9-1-1, "My name is Jake English. My friend just got hit by a car... In front of McOwens Bar... Okay.. Yeah yeah... I'll... Okay. Thank you." He hangs up and looks around as the driver sped around the corner.

As the ambulance pulls into the hospital parking lot ________ runs and hugs Jake.

"Oh... _______, I-I'm so sorry..." he hugs her tightly.

"What the hell happened?? I-I asked... Asked you to keep an eye on him..." she pushes away from him and wipes her wet red eyes.

"Really... ______ I really am sorry.. I didn't mean for this to happen... Not any do this..." she looks up at him with those eyes. "Please... Please don't look at me like that..."

"Jake..." she licks her lips and looks him up and down, "have... Have you been drinking?"

"We... We had a couple of celebratory drinks... Yeah.." He sighs. "I'm sorry, _____."

"No... No it's okay... I just need him to be okay..."

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