Red Wolf

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It was a brisk winter morning. Her grandmother was up with the sun and scolded Red for not doing the same. But she always had her chores done by noon, so Red never saw the issue. " Put your cape on. " Keeps them wolves away! " Granny would yell. That is where Red got her name. The Scarlett cloak her Granny always made her where. Her true name was forgotten years ago. She checked herself in the mirror. Her pale skin was thankfully unblemished, and her dark, wavy hair curled beautifully overnight. Whereing a simple dress, she pulled her cape over her shoulders. The long cloak ran down to her ankles, and it swallowed up her tiny frame. Grabbing a basket, she went out to collect the eggs. " No no no Red can you get me water first. " Her grandmother asked. Red set the basket down and took up the bucket instead.

It was a bit of a walk down to the well, but Red never minded. It was beautiful and reminded of happy days. Before, her parents were killed by the wolf. She would sit and play under the oak trees. But that time was gone. She was sixteen now, after all. Much to old for all that." Hey, Red." She heard a voice call. The voice belonged to her best friend Rose. She was still fifteen but would turn sixteen in a few months' time. But already, she was stunning. Blessed with beauty and grace.

Her golden hair hung in perfect ringlets. Her blue eyes dazzled in the sun. And here lips the color of the flower that shares her name. " Do you have an outfit picked out for the dance?" She asked. Red could barely look at her. " I'm sorry I can't go. My grandma won't let me." Rose dropped the small flower she had been holding." What, why?" I don't know. I even promised to wear the cloak." Oh, but you've got to go. Don't get too excited, but I heard that Jacob wants to take you to the dance." Red nearly choked. Jacob he is literally the cutest guy in town. "Well, if he asks, I will get down on my hands and knees and beg Granny."

They kept talking as the well came in viwe. Setting her bucket down. Red grabbed the rope. But then she smelled something. Rose was still talking, and when Res let go of the rope, she took it and began to draw her water. But the smell it was so strong. But Red couldn't find words to describe it. Pungent, iron like, decay... She went to the crest of the hill, and the horror that came to view was too terrible for words. Death....Dead bodies everywhere. Broken spears and swords. Men with deep gashes. Their blood painted the ground red. Then a shrill scream filled the air. Rose had blood down her dress and hands. She was shaking and tears welled up in her eyes. Red closed her eyes. She didn't want to see it. It was terrible it was horrible. The gore. No doubt what did this. Only one thing could do this. The wolf.


Red took Rose home and told her grandmother what had happened. Her grandmother was less than shocked, going on about how those stupider should hide from the wolf. Cuse, they'll never kill it. Sure enough, once word got back to the town leaders, a meeting was called. One all must attend.

"What on earth are we gonna do?" Asked a woman Red didn't know. "I tell you what we'll do we are gonna kill us a wolf!" Said old Plutarch. Everyone yelled their approval. "Were gonna slaughter that beast like it slaughtered our men!" Red had to voice her approval. Why shouldn't they kill the wolf? But as she knew she would, her grandmother stood up to speak her mind. "All of you are idiots! Do you hear yourselves SLAUGHTER THE WOLF! STAB THE WOLF! KILL THE WOLF! When in the years the animal has cursed us, have we ever successfully killed the wolf?we haven't. We won't. You want to be safe, stay in your house, and lock your doors. Men stay with your wives and children! Protect them. Don't kill yourself!"Oh please, the old woman wants us to cower and where red cloaks like her granddaughter!" Yeah, sorry, not all of us are as cute in red as you dear." Some fat man called out, followed by a wolf whistle. Red stood up, yelling a curse at the man! "Oooh, she's a fisty one!" Uhhh, you drunkards." Come on, show the laide some respect!" A young man said. But not just any young man. It was Jacob. Red refused to let herself smile, though she knew her face was red as her cloak.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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