Studying for tomorrow

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Hello everyone this is my first story i made ....i kinda bad at making story but i try my best to make it good hope you guys like it^~^


y/n: your name

f/c: favorite color

e/c: eye color

h/c: hair color

f/w: favorite weapon

Your. P.O.V

Its raining outside tonight you were studying math,science and geography for exams tomorrow. you were the smartest student in class that girls started to get jealous how smart you are and how cute you are because almost every boys in your class has a crush on you also you had less friend. You were living with your auntie because your parents went to vacation to Paris.

''y/n! dinners ready!" your auntie shout from downstairs . "coming!" you shout back. You went downstairs you sit in a comfy chair and started to eat your dinner. '' so...what have you been doing?'' your auntie ask ."studying exams'' you replaied while chewing a food in your mouth. "you need any help?'' ''no, no thank you auntie'' you said

''Well ok then after you finish eating clean up those dishes and go back studying understand oh and also locked the doors as usual i am going to bed good night'' your auntie said and went upstairs to her room.

'' ok good night'' you said. You finish eating clean up to dishes, locked the doors and went upstairs. ''sigh....i wish i had more friends to only friend i had is Dawn. shes so kind to me, play with me everyday and if i had problems she alway help me to fix....." you said mumbling to yourself, ''Anyway snap out if it y/n! and go back studying!'' you study till 9pm and went to sleep.

Sorry guys i have to end chapter 1 because i ran out of umm how is it? the story i made oh and umm i very sorry if my english is bad but umm leave the comment belows and also theres gonna be chapter 2 so anyway thank you for reading this have a nice day^~^ oh and also add me ok

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