Chapter 1

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"She truly is magnificent," Rashi whispered to herself, her voice a mere breath amidst the reverent silence of the library.

Seated in a corner, nestled amidst a mountain of weathered tomes and timeworn scrolls, Rashi sought solace within the hallowed sanctuary. The flickering candlelight danced upon the walls, casting ethereal shadows that seemed to whisper ancient secrets. This library had become her refuge, shielding her from the harsh realities of the outside world.

Engrossed in her studies, Rashi gently trailed her finger along the yellowed page, relishing the tactile connection with the knowledge contained within. The weight of her pursuits rested upon her, yet it was a burden she embraced willingly. The book open before her, Seleneia's Rules, held within its pages the enigmatic secrets and tales of the wolf goddess, captivating her imagination and drawing her deeper into a realm of mystique and primordial power.

As she delved into the intricate illustrations depicting Seleneia's influence over the ancient werewolf clans, conflicting emotions stirred within Rashi. Awe and reverence for the divine goddess warred with a growing discontent, as she detected embellishments and biases woven into the historical accounts. The tales of werewolf victories seemed one-sided, glossing over the complexities and truths of the past. "The victors write history, and the truth fades into obscurity," she murmured, her words barely audible amidst the rustling of parchment.

The sudden downpour outside shattered her concentration, raindrops orchestrating a symphony against the library windows. Rashi's gaze wandered, drawn to the cascading streaks of water on the glass, a tinge of disappointment mingling with her thoughts. Her intent to depart and seek solace in her own dwelling was thwarted by nature's relentless deluge. Glancing at her watch, she realized she would be compelled to wait until the rain subsided, held captive in the storm's embrace.

Just as the weight of her solitude pressed upon her weary soul, Nisha, Rashi's dearest friend, emerged through the library doors. Beads of rainwater clung to her hair and glistened on her skin, evidence of her journey through the rain-soaked streets. Nisha's arrival sparked a flicker of warmth in Rashi's heart, yet a bittersweet ache coursed through her veins, longing for what was lost.

"Hey, Rashi," Nisha greeted, her voice brimming with genuine delight as she settled across from her friend. "What brings you back to the embrace of this particular book?"

Rashi's heart skipped a beat as their gazes locked. Months had slipped by since they last embraced, since Nisha had been chosen as the beta's mate and whisked away to the heart of the werewolf headquarters. Rashi had endeavored to bury the pain and yearning deep within her being, but in Nisha's presence, it all surged back like a turbulent tide.

Summoning a faint smile to veil the bitterness clawing at her heart, Rashi replied, "Oh, hey, Nisha. It has indeed been an eternity. I've been immersed in studying for the upcoming exam—Seleneia's book, you know."

Nisha's eyes sparkled with unfading enthusiasm, her spirit untamed by the passage of time. "I've been well, Rashi. Life at the headquarters has been quite the adventure. And being the beta's mate has its thrills," she added, mischief glinting in her gaze. "So, how goes your scholarly pursuit?"

Rashi shrugged, resignation mingling with her determined resolve. "Progress is being made, I suppose. Though an unyielding restlessness gnaws at me. I yearn to break free from these imprisoning library walls, yet the relentless rain holds me captive."

Nisha's eyes followed Rashi's gaze toward the window, where the rain cascaded like a curtain of destiny, barring their escape. "Seems we're destined to wait it out here," Nisha said, her voice tinged with a touch of resignation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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