Chapter 1 (Dwyn)

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Seen running down a street was Dwyn a young lady full of life, having nothing to worry about.

"I-I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant" breathing hard and screaming as she ran towards the plush building that she lives in with her husband

After the gate was opened for her, she continued running, upon reaching the door she barged in without knocking, it was her house after all

"Maddox Maddox Ma...ddox" she screamed on the top of her lungs

Coming from behind her, a hand pulled her in

She knew who it was instantly, it was her man, her husband

"I've got good news" she said bouncing

"Why can't you quit running" he scolded her as she gave him a puppy face

"I said I've got good news but you're not even a little bit curious all you want to do is scold me"

"I'm sorry, so what were you gonna tell me?"


"Ok-You bought a new make up set or a new comfort pillow or no- maybe a new dress?"

She shot him a glare that could cut through diamond

"So you mean I care only about fashion?"

Hands in the air and laughing "I'm sorry-I'm sorry really, you just tell me, I can't guess"


"Woah you're pregnant, that's great! now we'll be a complete family and my parents would be grandparents. I know that that's all they want" he said hugging her tightly

"Yeah that's true, but I'm sad" Dwyn said as her face fell

"Why would you be sad?" Maddox asked surprised

"You'll be going to hazeleen soon, and I'll be alone here" she told him still looking sad

"Don't you worry, you won't feel it, I'll be back before you know it" he said as he kissed her forehead

"Ok"she hugged him as the smile crawled back to her lips


After spending sometime together, it was already getting late and she have to get her beauty sleep.

"I'm done with the cookies, want some?" Dwyn asked as she came to meet him in the sitting room where he was working

"Please please, don't stress your self. I don't want anything to happen to my baby"

"Hey, I'm just two 2 weeks gone, and I'm not fragile, you know. I've lived a though life"

"I'm sorry about that, now that were married everything would change" he said with a reassuring smile

"That's no problem. But you'll have to come straight to me when you come back from your trip, hmm- promise" she said sticking out her pinky finger

"You know that there's no need to make a Pinky promise, who else would I go to if not you huh?"

"That's better, because if you don't come straight to me, I'll come get you" she said being a very possessive lover

"I know and I believe you'll do just that" feeling happy by her words, it's shows that she really loves him

Clearing up the plate of the cookies they ate, it was time to go to bed as it was already late

Giving Maddox a light kiss on the lips, she left the sitting room and went up to the bedroom


I'll be writing the meaning of some words that you may be confused about

New word

Dwyn: it is pronounced as 'dawn'

Hazeleen: This is the magical world

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