Chap 1

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Densi's house.

It was the end of the day, and Deeks and Kensi were getting ready to go out on a date night.

'Okay, if we get moving now, we should be able to make it there before we get stuck having to wait in line for a while- Kens, what's up?' Deeks asked, seeing Kensi's happy face.

'I just got off the phone with Immigration. We've just been approved to adopt Pilar!' Kensi happily replied.

Stunned silence.

'Deeks? You okay?'

'Uh, yeah. Yeah. We're, we're gonna get to adopt Pilar? This isn't a trick of sorts?' Deeks slowly asked.

'Of course it's not a trick, silly! We're really going to have the 2 girls together again!'

They were making so much noise, Rosa came out of her room to see what was going on.

'What's going on? What's all the noise about?' She asked.

'Oh! Um Rosa, how do you feel about sharing your room with someone else?' Deeks asked.

'Like a roommate? Sure! Who am I going to share it with?'

'Your friend Pilar. We've been approved to adopt her!' Kensi happily replied.

What happened next was a symphony of happy squealing, laughing, and joyful plans for the future.

'I can't wait to tell everyone else.' Deeks happily said when they eventually got out the door.

'Me too!' Kensi replied.

Endnotes: I know I originally thought that they were going to have a baby, but after reviewing what I know from teasers more carefully, I'm not really sure Kensi is going to say she's pregnant in this episode anymore. I know they wanted to adopt both girls and only got Rosa at the time, and I don't think they would just give up on Pilar like that.

And, I heard a troubling teaser today that has me fearing that if Kensi says she's pregnant, then it'll mean I won't get to see Hetty again 1 last time. And that would completely destroy the rest of the finale for me. So, I think Kensi will tell Deeks that they get to adopt Pilar in this episode. And it'll mean I'll get to see Hetty again. :)

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