snapping the good

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my life was good so I saw no reason to snap. (hyper speaking) I have good friends and that's all I could ever ask for. but my darker side told me to do this. and yes most of you are probably thinking, hyper if it jumped off a bridge would u jump to?  well I kinda have no choice that dark side is in me and I hates my life in every way. when I was five I witnessed many deaths and that's when 'spear' as I like to call her came along. when I was 12 I was almost killed but that man didn't live to say sorry. and now that im 27 I have a better chance of killing others but I put my dark side to a rest until now... so walk down my path if you dare and maybe YOU will snap to but idk im  not human....

a/n: wow I never knew hyper was like this but now u do so help her

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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