* ˚ ✦ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ༊*·˚

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If there is one thing I could count on of course it would be my never failing sense of confusion. Where am i? The question choruses through my head as I look around, my vision slowly returning. The glaze of a blur eventually fades and I find myself sitting in a garden. My hands planted safely at my sides regain their sense of touch and I feel the soft moss on which I am sitting. My hearing comes next. Fully returning I can hear the soft trickle of a nearby stream. Slowly then follows my scent and I breathe in through my nose. Which fills with a smell of fresh dew and moist air as if it had just rained. I sit there for a second trying my very best to remember anything of why I am here. Only just now realizing the most recent thing I can remember seems to be, yesterday? The confusion of the situation floods my brain. Nothing seems to make any sense yet I know exactly who I am, where I live and all my memories; except parts of them. I glance around once more, recognizing the place as one of the many gardens in my village. I suddenly notice a white orb-like speck floating just above the stream that runs through the perfectly trimmed moss. I slowly rise to my feet and hope that I haven't forgotten how to stand. The orb seems to be made of light and I notice it hovers gently up and down with the rhythm of the stream. It seems so harmless, like I should reach out and stroke it with my hand. The common sense in me screams that it is clearly not a known type of magic to me and I should stay far away. Nonetheless I inch forward slowly and cautiously, faltering just a hand's length from the orb. Once close enough I loosen my tense stance slightly noticing that it looks just like the prophecy orbs I learned about when I was young. I examine it until I'm almost certain it is a prophecy orb and scoop it into my hand. It rests there gently and I feel a soft eclectic pulse crawl up my arm. Without warning the pulse spreads quickly through my whole body and my vision blurs with white. Water, water surrounds my feet swelling up to my ankles. Alarmed, I opened my eyes just for them to be met with the same darkness as when they were closed. I feel barely a sense of relief to find the water stopped rising and now rests still on whatever I'm standing on. I stay very still and silent waiting to see if anything will happen, nothing does. I Carefully then move one foot slightly and notice my shoes are gone, as the water glows a soft blue. The glow spreads further and further like a ripple of a droplet.

"Rumi Blake H" a sound echoes my name sending chills down my spine, and I turn quickly looking for its source. "Rumi" my name again, but this time from behind me. I turn around and am met with eyes that look just like mine, Gray and bleak but so electrifyingly persuasive. I think my eyes are quite interesting but right now I'd give anything to not be staring directly into them. "Rumi, do you know who I am?" the entity with my eyes whispers and it echoes for what seems like an eternity.

"No" my voice comes out tight and quiet

"Rumi, i am you" The entity takes off what seems to be a hood of darkness. I watch as its blonde long hair falls around its, her, shoulders framing her face with a cascade of golden hair. Just like mine.

"This is your prophecy and I am the future you here to show you your fate..." the entity, her, my, voice rings through the void and I shiver again. I unsheath a small blade from my pocket and grip it in my hand fully prepared to fight if I have to. "You don't need that rumi, I am not even an elf. I am just a part of time, a fragment of the future here to give you; seal your fate" I don't listen and grip the blade tighter still unconvinced.

"Prove to me this is my prophecy and not.. Not some hoax!" I try to say it with my usual sense of defiance but instead it comes out with less power than I hoped for. The entity, me, her, it, smiles and reveals itself. Now I can see it, me, standing right in front of me. My blonde hair forming a gold curtain of hair, my gray eyes almost blue with emotion and my light tan skin. The entity, elf, spirit, is identical to me and I step back. And splashing some of the water causes another ripple of light to travel across the surface of the water till it fades in the darkness. "That is not, proof of a prophecy" i stutter too much when i'm nervous and i silently curse myself for it.

"Is it not? Think and remember what you were taught" hearing my voice sends shivers down my spine again. I don't think I'd ever get used to it. "You were taught..." the voice prompts.

"I was taught that my prophecy would come to me if i was chosen at any time and that it would come as, as..." i trail off with realization

"As yourself, as a form of yourself." The entity, me, finishes. "Yes. Now I don't feel the need to stay here forever telling you this, so let's start." the entity flicks its hand and my vision fills with images of me. I take in a startled breath as I see the images more clearly. Masked, Hooded grinning happily while yielding a sword above my head. Blood, Death flashes into my sight and then I'm left in the darkness again.

"A witch.. Villain evil?" the words come out of my mouth not yet in a sentence

"Yes, that is your fate. now go" the entity snaps her fingers and my sight once again blurs with white as i open my mouth to object. I'm left standing in the same garden. The orb now gone from my hand, the only trace left is the white glow that seems to be pulsing in my veins slowly fading. I stand there for a breath taking in my surroundings for the second time. Quickly I stumble around the corner and find my way out of the garden running quickly. I falter out onto the bridges that connect our towns suspended high above a shallow lake enclosed in a forest of giant trees. I rush past a few people, almost knocking them over as I run across the bridges. I have no clue where i'm going. I just want to find someone to talk to. Why did I only ever make friends with travelers? And why did they ever seem to be around just when I needed someone to be? I almost trip and catch myself with a nearby rope acting as a railing for the bridge. I slow my pace once I realize my legs took me to Nemo's house, an old friend, who is never around because she was determined to travel our world. Although the logical part of me knows she's never going to be home. I still often find myself passing and checking just in case. I glance around and spot a local pub, I sigh, I'm not much of a drinker but on occasion I find myself in one of the pubs when things go so wrong. I follow a older man into the pub, 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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