Ch. 1

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The TNTduoer's are getting in my head 🤭

Also hi, the timelines a bit fucked up, but in the DSMP world, it's before Tommy shows Wilbur his exile, and in the QSMP world, it's just after Tilíns death,

TW: Brief alcohol mention, brief drug mention, smoking,

The blinding lights beamed down onto the bustling city streets, filled with people and the smell of booze and cheap drugs surrounding Wilbur's senses. The pounding from speakers practically propped up on every corner shop blared upbeat songs at max volume. The Sun looked pathetic compared to the everlasting glow that emitted off of the city. Ratty old work boots that were practically shredded and teared at the seams due to them being a decade old trudged through the prosthetic sand of Las Nevadas.

Las Nevadas was built on prosthetics and exhilaration. Everything about it was fake. Fake smiles that greeted you at the entrance of the casino. Fake beliefs and ideologies that everyone who lived in the city believed. And fake sand. But it was addicting. He is addicting.

Wilbur paused his journey to reach into his dusty brown trench coat for his pack of cigarettes. He turned the black box over in his hands and stared at the words "Montclair" that were enscribed onto the box. Montclair was a French word, meaning "clear mountain" or "bright mountain". Wilbur let his mind slip a bit as he thought more into it.

Back before he joined the SMP Wilbur lived in a little cottage, hidden from the world surrounded by mountains. It was only him and his father, Phil against the world. Will smiled as he thought back to his youth. Running around the woods, and trekking up mountains, and frolicking in streams. Nostalgia hit him like a wave, but was quick as waves come, as quick as they hit the water and return back into the depths of the ocean.

He clicked back into reality as he pulled a thin cigarette out of the cardboard box, lighting the cigarette and taking a long drag. Thinking about his early life makes him feel more depressed than ever, so sue him if he smokes another one or two.

Wilbur continued to trudge through the streets of Las Nevadas, cigarette clenched in between his stained teeth. He didn't really feel up to going to Quackity's office and starting up a constant tug of war match with him, so he decided to go get a drink to clear his head. He scanned the city streets and found a shabby looking bar tucked between a strip club and a weed store. Will didn't need anything fancy, just a strong glass of liquor he sauntered right on in.

It was a dimly lit place with creaky wooden floors stained with alcohol and vomit. There wasn't a lot of people there, just a couple people watching a game of what appears to be hockey and a couple other people probably wanting to do the same thing he wanted to. Drink his life away. If you could even consider it a life.

Wilbur pulled up a seat as far away from others as humanly possible. He wasn't in the mood to run into someone and have to talk or socialize with them, so he tucked himself back into a corner. Will heard a pair of hooves clicking in front of him snapping him out of his dazed state of mind as he saw a familiar pair of eyes staring at him.

"Oh hey Will." Tubbo said, a shocked tone in his voice as his eyes brushed over Wilbur's form. He looked worse than usual. His skin was pale and almost yellow. His hair looked like a mess , full of tangles and knots and one distinct white chunk of hair plastered on the front parts of his hair. The purple bags under his faded red eyes stick out like a sore thumb. He looked unhuman.

"No smoking in the bar, man." Toby said, pointing to a sign that read "NO SMOKING" in dark bold letters. Wilbur scoffed,

"Just get me a glass of whiskey, whatever's the strongest I don't care." Wilbur grumbled putting out his cigarette on the sleeve of his coat, and tossing the butt somewhere onto the floor.


Tubbo was trained too not ask questions while bartending. It wasn't his business if someone wanted to drink their life away, Quackity actually promoted that idea, saying it'll get customers to give him more money. But how was he supposed to ignore the man who practically raised him? He looked like shit and Tubbos sure he probably felt like shit too. But alas, he pulled the strongest type of whiskey off the shelf and poured the man in question a drink.

"Just put it on m' tab." Wilbur mumbled as Tubbo slid him the golden brown substance.

Will spaced out as he took a sip of the concoction, feeling it burn the whole way down his throat. His mind slipped out of reality as he drank his drink, sip after sip. The noise around him turned into a sort of buzz, and he wasn't aware of anything happening in his surroundings. That was until a familiar person was practically yelling at him.


The silhouette of the person in front of him began to clear as he came back in touch with reality. There was a very angry red faced man in front of him, his dark hair falling down to his shoulders that was sloppily tucked under a red beanie with an all to familiar smile embroidered onto the side of it. A jagged scar ran down the right side of his face, causing one of his eyes to turn lighter due to his lack of vision. He was glaring daggers at Wilbur.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Quackity said through gritted teeth as he slammed his hands into the counter. People around were starting to stare.

"Drinking? What else does it look like." Wilbur muttered glaring with the same amount of hatred coursing through his veins as he assumed Quackity had now.

"Why the fuck are you in my fucking country? I thought I made it clear to you, but no, your so fucking difficult Wilbur! Why the hell wont you just listen!" Quackity said, the veins on his forehead practically popping. It looked like he was having an aneurysm.

"Chill out, I just wanted a drink and your country is the only place with a bar around here." Wilbur hissed. He was not in the mood to do this bullshit today.

"Its true." A voice from behind piped up.

"He wasn't doing anything to me or any of the citizens. Just let him off the hook for once." Tubbo said, his hooves pawing at the ground nervously as Quackity debated the idea in his mind.

"Alright. But I want you out of my country in an hour or I'll detain you." Quackity threatened, his eyes darkening more than how they were before.

"Its fine, I was just leaving," Wilbur smirked, standing up and looming over the other man. "Alcohol doesn't do anything to me anymore."

Quackity looked like he was going to explode at this point. Toby wasn't really sure what to do in this situation, so he just went back to making more drinks. Wilbur was already headed out the door when Quackity came after him.

"Im following your ass because I know you'll try doing some shit" Quackity spoke as he clenched his fists in his pockets.

"Okay, whatever. I wasn't gonna pull shit anyway, I just want to go home." Wilbur said glancing at the other walking next to him. He looked flawless, like usual. Not a single thing out of place. Every hair on his head was laid down perfectly. But there's something about the way his eyes shine in the florescent lights of Las Nevadas that make Will feel like theirs more going on underneath. Well I suppose he was right about the whole, "everything is fake in Las Nevadas spiel."

"So I heard Tommy showed you his exile." Quackity said, trying to break the awkward tension in the air, but it just ended up being more awkward.

"Yeah." Is all Wilbur said. He didn't want to talk about it. So they didn't.

As they finally approached the gates of Las Nevadas, Quackity came to a halt. The awkward tension came back with a vengeance.

"Bye I guess." Quackity said, and Will actually saw his whole face grimace.

"Yeah. Bye." Wilbur said, somehow, in some miraculous miracle, he was even more awkward the Quackity.

As he turned around to leave this god forsaken place, his whole body jolted to a stop as he saw it. Ahooded figure standing directly behind Quackity. He wanted to shout something but he bit his vocal cords didn't seem to respond. Like a flat line, his whole body went still, and soon his whole world went dark. He was being kidnapped. 

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