Let me explain (Chapter 1)

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"None of this would have happened if you just listened to me" Peter yelled, at Iron man, tears pricking at the corners of his lightly pink puffy eyes. Peter walked up to Iron man in anger, fear, and in sadness. 'I thought I was doing the right thing, why do I always screw up' Peter parker, the friendly neighborhood kid almost killed all of the people on that crews ship, now guilt floods his mind. "If you even cared you would actually be here" Peter says, in doubt, knowing that he doesn't care to be there for Peter, or most in importantly, not care for him.

Iron man looks down at the kid then opens his suit, revealing that Iron man was actually there standing right  in front of him and realizing that he was actually totally wrong. He was there, standing in front of him and Peter was in complete shock as he took a few steps back as he came up to him. 'Mabye he does care...'  Peter thought. Iron man sniffed in irritation.

"I did listen kid" Tony said. Tony tried to contain his anger and irritation back to be nice since he was only talking to a fourteen....Well actually, fifteen year old kid, but he was still really angry knowing that he went behind his back the way he did. "Who do you think called the FBI, Huh" Tony said, more sternly. Peter still was trying to process that Tony stark was actually right in front of him. He thought he didn't care about him. "You know I was the only one that believed in you, everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a fourteen year old kid" Tony said but got cut off. "I'm fifteen-"

"No- THIS IS WHERE YOU ZIP IT ALRIGHT The adult is talking" Tony said, getting more and more irritated by the second but trying to keep his cool.  "What if somebody have died tonight" the words came out of Tony's mouth making Peter get goosebumps at the thought of him accidentally killing someone, but not just because of that reason but how stark talked to him reminds him of mays best friend, the one that abuses him every time he comes over to visit may. He looked into Tony's eyes slight fear building up. "DIFFERENT STORY RIGHT Because that's on you" stark says, as he aggressively points at Peter making him flinch.

Parker has always found Tony a bit terrifying when he's angry or aggressive, but he's always tryed to pretend he wasn't when around him, but when Peter just flinched just now, it actually kinda surprised Tony a bit, not knowing why he reacted that way but quickly shrugged it off. "And if you die.......I feel like that's on me" Tony said, the last few words softly. But the thought of Peter dying actually killed Tony. Parker looks into Tony's eyes with shock, replaying the words that just came out of his mouth. "I don't need that in my life" Tony said.

"Yes sir i- I'm sorry" Peter said, the tears In his eyes growing more. "Sorry doesn't-" Tony says, in almost a rude way. "I understand..." Parker says looking to the ground in pour guilt."I..-i just wanted to be like you" Parker says under his breath, knowing what he did was wrong, and again what he did could have killed a lot of people. "And I wanted you to be better" Tony says. Peter's heart shattered. No actually he felt heart broken after that. A lot of people say that to him in his life and the only people that don't are, May, MJ, Ned, and Tony... but now that's not so true.

"Okay you know what it's not working out ima need the suit back" Tony said. Peter lifted his head up and his heart dropped instantly with fear. 'No no he can't see the cuts and bruises I have on my body!' Peter thought. Peter's eyes grew big, this couldn't be happening. "For how long!?" Peter said. After a few seconds stark replied with something he definitely didn't want to here at all. "Forever"

"But- No no please Mr. Stark you don't understand, you cant please dont take it away from me" Peter says. He hands start to shake and the tears that were in the corners of his eyes were threatening to fall. Tony looked at the kid but started realizing how sad and upset he looked, and Tony started seeing how he was almost fully crying which actually made him feel sorta bad. "And Why's is that, hm?" Peter didn't know what to say after that. Should he even tell him? What if he flips out on him if he doesn't tell him. Peter's heart began to speed up as he could slightly hear his heart beat in his ears. Parker wanted to lie and tell him a simple excuse that would convince Tony not to keep his suit which means everything to him away forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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