part 1 latest job

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his sights were set on the target. he planted the usual red dot in the middle of the targets forehead and shot. the target fell down. another successful kill, another $10,000 added to his bank. all that killing really worked up an appetite, so he was ready to go to his favorite gay restaurant to get a nice juicy burger with a crispy side of fries. He wasn’t gay, but he couldn’t handle being around women and this restaurant was full of gay men, so he ignored the relentless flirting from a big black guy named “big mo” . sometimes he even considered going home with him. but unfortunately intimacy scared him and he wouldn’t be able to figure out what he wanted even if he really wanted to. when he finally got to the restaurant, named big ricks meat emporium, he walked into the familiar atmosphere and smelled the juicy meat. he also saw the juicy meat. he walked to his regular spot and looked around for his favorite waiter, lou. a 46 year old man with grey hair and a danny devito haircut, but he always had a good story about the 70s. he stopped in his tracks when he saw something he dreaded. something he hated. something he despised. a WOMAN! women were his biggest fear, ever since his teacher locked him in a closet in 4th grade and a woman he had never seen before appeared in the darkness and hurt him so bad he wasnt able to talk for weeks after the incident. the teacher was arrested but the lady was never caught, and she visited him constantly. the female waitress started walking towards him with a smile, and he bolted to the bathroom. he quickly shut the door behind him and put his back against the door so no one could get in while he caught his breath. he rubbed his eyes and then realized that the bathroom smelled better than it usually did. suddenly somebody walked out of the stall. wait a second, stall? with a door? Its all stalls? The woman that came out smiled at him, and he could only respond with a horrified scream as he ran out of the bathroom. as he was running, he ran into the waitress. finally he decides he’s hungry enough that maybe she wont poison his food. “how are ya doin today sweetheart” she said in a sickly sweet southern accent. “f-fine” he managed to mutter out, hardly making eye contact and studying the menu “i’ll take uh- uh a burger and fries” he said hesitantly. “and a doctor pepper please.” he said with more confidence. finally he made eye contact and the waitress nodded, shook her head and wrote down the order. she walked away to the kitchen. he worked up the courage to check his phone, looking over his shoulder as he scrolled to make sure no one could see anything he was doing. he got a text “IMPORTANT: assasination of heidi ruiz must be completed by july 8th, 2024” He had been putting off this assassination for a few months, but it needed to be completed soon for the person to collect their life insurance that they had put out on heidi. Suddenly the waitress came back out from the kitchen and startled him, he quickly turned his phone upside down and looked down. “ thank you” he muttered “anything else?” she said cheerfully. “no” he grunted, desperate for her to go away. when she left, he looked at his phone again. he took a bite of his burger and immediately spit it out, which was sort of hard to do as the patty was rock hard and crumbling into pieces. how the hell does that even happen? he thought somehow the waitress definitely had something to do with this. it wad always womens fault. he looked at the target in the photo. He recognized a very familiar face

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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