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It's been 2 years since Sylvia died. I still can't believe I wasn't able to save her. I remember the day she was found. Killed by some horrific creature that no one could control. That's the way a lot of folks go, but why did it have to be her? Why not me? Every awful detail was engraved into my mind. No matter how much I tried to deny it, there was nothing I could have done to help. What a horrible way to die.
Lots of people were there to support me when it happened, but there was one that I didn't expect. Grime. After Anne left Amphibia, he went back to Toad Tower. Of course, he did occasionally visit Wartwood, but as soon as he found out about what happened to me, he never left my side.
For a while now, Grime and I have been going to Stumpy's together every weekend. It's gotten much easier to do so since he's moved here. Somehow he always shows up before me. I walked into the place and saw Grime sitting at our usual table. He was staring out the window, like he had something he needed to say. It felt a little strange, but I figured if he did, he would let me know. I sat down with him.
"Oh. Hello again, Hopediah. How's your day been going?"
    "Just fine, Grime. Polly's started managing the sales with the avocado business. Things have been going well so far. She's really thriving. What about you? How's your new job?"
    "It's good, it's good." Grime was the new blacksmith in town. He was real good at his job, which made sense considering he used to lead armies with heavy weapons. I had no idea he could actually make the weapons, though. He was very passionate about his work. It was admirable.
    "Welcome back, you two. You want the usual?" Stumpy asked us. "Oh, you know it." I replied. Stumpy grinned and nodded, and headed back into the kitchen. I looked back at Grime, who had on a strange expression. It looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he was hiding his face. He was looking out the window again, with his hand on his chin. "Uh.. Grime? Are you alright? It looks like something's bothering you." I reached out to touch his hand, but he quickly pulled it away and cleared his throat. "No! No, no, no! It's nothing. I've just been distracted."
"By what?"
Grime didn't respond. He stared gloomily out the window.
"You know you can talk to me. If you want to, that is." "Yes, I know. Sorry. It's not important. Just.. work things." He told me, rubbing the back of his head. I wasn't convinced, but I decided not to press further. At least not for now.
Grime fiddled with a fork at the table, still not saying anything to me. I knew he was lying about nothing bothering him. I've been his friend long enough to know. But he does tend to keep to himself when it comes to his problems. "So.. what do you think of Wartwood? Talk to anyone new?" "Oh. Yes, actually. The mayor is actually a very nice fellow. We chat occasionally.. he gives great advice." Grime continued to talk about Mayor Toadie, among other news about what he's been up to. I was really glad he was enjoying himself here.
We ended the night with a drink. Then a couple more. After that we were perched on a bench outside the restaurant, laughing and telling each other stories. "So then I said, what are you yapping about? That's not a rhino beetle, that's your sister!" To that, Grime let out a loud and roaring laugh. Pretty quickly, I started to laugh, too. "Oh, Hopediah! You are a gem!" He let out a content sigh, and looked at me. "I... wish we'd met sooner. I really do." "Oh, you and me both. I definitely could've used a friend like you back then."

i started this last year erm 💀 this is kind of awful im probably not gonna finish this

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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