"Tell daddy what's wrong."

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This is the SEQUEL to Still Not Bitten, so if you haven't read that, go read it. Before you start this one x

This book is set 30 years later.

lol jokes, it has been, like, a month. Tops.


Weeks had passed and we were no closer to finding my sister, Rose, than we were the day we started looking. I felt horrible. If I wasn't wallowing in guilt, or crying into my boyfriend, Harry's, shoulder, I was throwing up. I couldn't control it, the slightest thing could set me off. I was starting to realise that my mother was right. I didn't have any other way to explain why I was suddenly so nauseous all the time and I had noticed that I hadn't had my period for months. I guess with all of the commotion I hadn't noticed, I was so caught up with everything that had been going on that I hadn't recognised the biggest fucking clue in all of human history. But I didn't want to think about that, I had more important things to worry about.

"Bree, are you okay?" Liam asked, his eyebrows furrowed with concern. "You look really pale."

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I nodded, taking a few deep breaths. The truth was, I felt incredibly dizzy. I hadn't eaten nearly enough food to keep up with the amount of walking we had been doing and my sleeping patterns weren't exactly helping. "I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"She woke up twice during the night." Harry yawned, wrapping his arm around my waist. "And she threw up again this morning."

Liam's concerned frown only seemed to deepen, "Again? Are you sure you're not sick?"

I nodded, sending him a small, reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm one hundred and ten percent sure."

I knew I had to tell them eventually, I just wanted to wait a little longer and make sure that I really was pregnant. I was reluctant though, because I knew exactly what they would do. They would go out of their way to give me more food, and we couldn't afford to do that. We were running low on food as it was and I didn't want their meals to get any smaller than what they already were.

We had gone back to the cabin a few weeks earlier to collect all of our canned food, only to find that the place had been ransacked, leaving us with a measly ten cans. It seemed like a lot if you ignored the fact that there were now eleven people in our group. The only way we had survived was by finding food along the way.

None of us knew where we were going, we just kind of walked, waiting for something to happen. Nothing ever did. Rose was nowhere to be seen and we even lost Louis once.

"She's fine, Liam." Louis reassured, lightly pushing his shoulder. "We're all a bit worse for wear,"

Liam still seemed unsure, but he didn't push the subject further. As soon as he had wandered off, Louis turned to me, suddenly very serious.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked, concern flooding his features. "You're constantly throwing up, and you can't afford that. Not with the amount of food we have."

"It's nothing, really. I'm fine."

"Don't you dare lie to me, Bree-bear." He said. "I know you, I'm not dumb."

I let out a sigh, debating on whether I should tell him. I couldn't, I hadn't even talked to Harry about it yet. "I...I don't know, okay? I'm just a little tired."

He pursed his lips, obviously not satisfied with my answer. "Okay...well, if you feel like talking to someone, I'm here."

I nodded, thanking him as he walked away before turning toward Harry.

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