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Cover designed by: Jessica Edwards
Cover image by: freepik on Freepik


Olivia Collins is not necessarily an evil person she just has evil intentions. She blames it on the demon blood coursing through her veins. You know those moments when you have dark thoughts, but you never act on the urges? Sometimes she acts on them.

Like the time that guy couldn't take no for an answer. She stabbed him in the hand with a metal straw sitting on the bar. She didn't necessarily mean to it, it just happened. But he got the message finally.

Dylan West knows he can be a cocky dick. He can't help it, most of the time. He thoroughly enjoys the demon blood coursing through his veins. He feels ninety nine percent complete, there's just one thing missing. He can't quite put his finger on what exactly is missing but he can't help but think it might just be her.



Some of the writing included in this story is a little dark. Personally I don't think it's too bad but I still want to warn you. There are scenes of people being killed, tortured and the characters enjoy it. If that's too off putting stop here and don't read further (don't comment about it either, it'll fall of deaf ears).


This story is just out for feelers. I am working on this in the background, vote and comment if you would like to see more of this story. 


Part One, a teaser, will be released in the coming days. Just to note this story may never be fully released unless desired by you, the readers. I am just putting out feelers for darker stories, something with a little more twisted desires. 

Comments and votes will keep this going as I work on it in the background. I may periodically release more as time goes but let me know what you think. 


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