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As a few days by, it was reported that a lot of many survivors on swordsmiths village. They're are wounded but some people are not lucky to live. There's no time to mourn those lose.

Michirou wasn't completely healed. Muichiro was healed now but it's still have a bandage on his face

They were invited to the hashira meeting as they go to the ubuyashiki mansion.

" You can go first , I'll be followed" Michirou said

" Sure but where are you going?" Muichiro asked

" Haganezuka called me for something" Michirou muttered the name

" Alright then take care" Muichiro said as he patted Michirou's head

" You too. Brother " Michirou said

As they separate their path, Michirou went to the next room where Haganezuka was waiting to her

" Hey..." Michirou said as she was walking slowly

" You're here" Haganezuka said as he was trembling and holding a two box

" Are you alright?" Michirou asked

" I'm okay!" Haganezuka yelled as Michirou walk in front of him

" So..why did you call me?" Michirou asked

" I'm here for your new katana" Haganezuka said

" But my katana is still fine" Michirou said

" I made it for you too!! Brat just be thankful!!" Haganezuka yelled

" I'm still mad at your brother!" Haganezuka added as he poke hardly Michirou's face . Remembering how Muichiro throw that sword to Tanjiro

" I told you my sword is still fine." Michirou said

" I made for Tanjiro and I made a sword for you too!! I'm your swordsmiths!! There's no way Tanjiro will only received a sword from me!!" Haganezuka yelled and still trembling from his wounds

" Fine... I guess I will take it" Michirou said as she take the box from him

" Now open it!! " Haganezuka said as he was waiting her to open it

Michirou unsheathed her new katana and changed color and still dark turquoise.

" It's cool" Michirou muttered and swinging her new katana

Haganezuka was still processing and remembering that Michirou's katana Forged by him in the first time

" Why it's change color!! I know it was a dark violet with a gold line!! Why it's look like a green!!" Haganezuka yelled

' Haganezuka are not there when I unsheathed my new katana after I fought the uppermoon 3?.... ' Michirou thought

' I forgot ' Michirou added

" I don't know too" Michirou said

" Where's Tanjiro?" Michirou asked

" I'm going to him so I can give this katana to him" Haganezuka said

Michirou put the crescent keychain on her new sword and sheathed in

" I'll treasure this one. Thank you for making me a new sword" Michirou said as she bow a little as a gratitude

" Make sure that you'll buy me a hundreds of dangos!" Haganezuka yelled

" Yeah...." Michirou said

' But I'll forget that anyways' Michirou thought

𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳|| 𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 ||Where stories live. Discover now