Hate is a strong word

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(First Fanfic so please don't hate Pookies)
(Kinda hate this cl-)

Xavier and Ajax sat in the weather vain coffee shop
Xavier was staring at something
Ajax turned his head to see what Xavier was looking at
What was he looking at?
He was looking at Tyler galpin, Ajax didn't know much about him the only things he knew was that he was a normie, the sheriffs son and apparently a complete dick
Xavier spoke
"God I hate him" his tone was stern and cold it sent a shiver up Ajax's spine
"Hate is a strong word"
"Well I hate him, he's a asshole"
"What did he even do to you?"
"That doesn't concern you Ajax"
Ajax looked at the boy, he studied him
His hair was brown and curly
His eyes were hazel they were soft and warm
His skin was a pale and his cheeks were slightly pink
His arms were muscular and his hands were vainy
He looked so kind, how could he be so rude?
Xavier was to lost in thought to notice Ajax had grabbed his hand and dragged him to the desk to order
"Hey, what do you want?"
Tyler's voice was sweet
"Uhm, can I have a iced caramel latte and"
He turned to Xavier
"What do you want?"
"Tall iced black coffee two sugars"
Ajax turned back to Tyler
"And a tall iced black coffee with to sugars please"
"Coming Right up"
Tyler turned on his heel and started to make the coffees
Tyler handed Ajax the coffees
"That'll be $7.50"
Ajax paid and sat down
"See he's not that bad"
"You don't know what he did to me"
"I guess not"
"Just look at him, I hate him and his stupid smile and his stupid hair and his stupid face!! Ugh I hate him!"
At this point the whole cafe could hear Xavier
Tyler knew Xavier was talking about him
The sweet smile of his face was replaced with a quite sorrowful look his tone went from a happy cheery one to a cold sad tone
Xavier felt kind of bad?
Xavier sighed just about to get up and apologise to Tyler but then Tyler looked at his watch and quickly left the cafe
Xavier subconsciously checked the time shit it was 3:35
"Fuck sorry Ajax I have to go see dr kinbott"
"Ok bye"
Xavier grabbed his coffee and quickly ran off
"Bye!" He shouted as he ran out the door not even looking where he was going
"Xavier watch out!" A voice yelled
"Huh?! AH-" Xavier yelled as he tripped over a bottle on the ground
Xavier Fell hard on the ground hitting his head on the concrete passing out automatically
When he woke up he had the worst head ache ever
He opened his eyes
He was laid in Tyler's arms
"Xavier! Are you ok? You Hit your head pretty hard" Tyler said his voice full of concern
"I'm fine." he got up and out of Tyler's arms dusting himself off and walking away
He was not fine though, he had this feeling in his heart and his stomach that he had never felt before it was like butterflies
"Wait Xavier!"
"Oh uh sorry it's just that the back of your head is bleeding like a lot"
Xavier put his hand on the back of his head he felt something wet he looked at his hand that was now covered in blood
"Don't panic" Tyler grabbed Xavier's hand and led him back to the wethervain and sat him down
He grabbed a first aid kit
"This might sting a little" Tyler said in a soft tone
"It already stings" Xavier snapped in a sour tone
"Alright smart ass"
Tyler sat behind Xavier and started to wipe the wound on the back of his head with a alcohol wipe
Xavier winced in pain and grabbed Tyler's free hand in reaction to the pain that had just settled In
"Shit.. sorry" Xavier said his voice small
He let go of Tyler's hand
"It's ok, I don't mind" Tyler replied softly taking Xavier's hand in his own a offer Xavier immediately took grabbing Tyler's hand tightly
Tyler stroked Xavier's hand softly with his thumb
Xavier gripped Tyler's hand so tight his knuckles started to turn white
Xavier let out a shaky breath tears welling in his eyes but it wasn't because of the pain, well it's was a bit but it was mainly because of how bad he needed touch he'd been touch deprived for years his mother and father never really showed him affection as a child and his girlfriend, well now ex girlfriend, Bianca only wanted him for status
"I'm sorry... I'm not usually this weak, I dont know what's wrong with me" Xavier mumbled his voice shaky
"Your not weak Xavier your just expressing your emotions, in my opinion that is one of the best quality's a person can have" Tyler explained softly stroking Xavier's hand still wiping the blood from the gash in Xavier's head
"Thank you Tyler"

Forced hatred (tyler x Xavier) Where stories live. Discover now