hold the line - end

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I stayed with Troy until the day he was finally able to move on. I sat with him through every failed test, broken friendship, and ended relationship. I was always there, offering him a shoulder to lean on. I was a constant in his life.

There's an odd beauty in watching somebody grow and learn to cope with their grief.

Grief changes a person. From how they talk to how they react to even the littlest thing. Smelling something that was similar to how their loved one smelled. Seeing a shade of their favorite color. Hearing their favorite song or even hearing a phrase they often said. These things can break them.

It takes time for them to truly overcome that, and when they do, it's beautiful. They become a better version of themselves. Stronger and better at handling whatever life throws at them. And if they're lucky, they can fall in love with someone new.

I was blessed to see him fall in love and be truly happy. It's all I ever wanted, after all. For him to get the happy ending that he deserved.

Loving Troy was the best part of my life. Although it may have been short lived, I will forever be thankful for everything he did for me. I'll always be thankful for him. One day, he'll forget who I was and the moments we shared for that brief period of time.

I was an inconsequential love at the beginning of his life, an ephemeral memory that one day was forgotten.

Librarian Blues❖Troy BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now