Part 1

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Orihime woke up in the middle of the night. She could feel an immense power from someone. And she had an idea of who it was. She got up, pulled on a sweater, and ran out the front door. She looked around, before seeing the hollow standing out on the street. Down the stairs, and on to the street. Where she met him. His eyes tense, and furious.

"Oi... Girl... Where is he?"

The hollow said. His sharp tone cutting through her. She stared back angry at him.

"What are you doing here?..."

Orihime asked. The moon shining lightly down at them, through the dark clouds.

"Huh? What do you think I'm doing here. I'm here to kill Ichigo Kurosaki..."

He said in a dark tone. Smirking to her through his last words. Orihime felt a lump in her stomach.

"You can't... He... He doesn't have his powers anymore..."

Orihime struggled to say. Because by saying it. It just confirmed, and reminded her of it. His eyes widened. He seemed confused.

"Are you saying that to protect him, or what..."

He said, annoyed at her.

"He lost his powers in his fight with Aizen... He risked everything to stop him..."

Orihime continued. She looked sideways. Wanting to hide her sadness from him. The hollow was quiet for a while. Before Orihime heard him laughing. She looked baffled, and scared back at him. Why was he laughing like that. But his laughter quickly, turned to an angry face.

"You have got to fucking kidding me huh?"

He almost yelled. In a second he was standing in front of Orihime. He grabbed her by her sweater, pulling her upwards. He heard as Orihime gasped in shock. Only the tip of her shoes were on the ground. She struggled, as she looked at the angry hollow.

"Let me go!"

Orihime yelled back at him frustrated. But he didn't. A minute passed, and nothing was happening.

"This is fucking ridiculous!"

He yelled out. Looking around. As if he was waiting for someone to show up.

"He's not gonna come Grimmjow!"

Orihime yelled even louder, straight to him.

He looked into her brown eyes. She was mad, and frustrated. He let go of her. And she fell to the ground. Gasping after air in shock. She looked angry up at him. And he looked disappointed down at her.


He said, as Orihime got up from the cold ground. She took a deep breath. Looking intensely back at him. He seemed agitated. As if he wanted to say something more. Orihime was hoping he would be quiet, and go away. Back to Hueco Mundo.

"... Girl... "

He said serious. His eyes sharp. Orihime looked worried at him. Why did he change his voice like that. What was he going to do. She held her breath, as he took another step closer to her. Grimmjow opened his mouth, as he was about to say something. But then he felt a raindrop land on his nose. He looked up at the sky. Orihime also felt a raindrop land on her head.

"It's beginning to rain..."

Orihime said. Looking at Grimmjow.

"Yeah no shit..."

Grimmjow replied annoyed. Orihime felt irritated at his constant judging, and mean tone. She turned around, and began walking away from him. Back to her apartment.

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