Chapter 1

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My Brother Dilan said: 'Do you have to go?' I picked up my sling bag and said: 'I have to Dilan.' My second brother Aiden blocked my way out and said: 'I'm not letting you go.' I looked up at my brother's tall figure and said: 'Please Aiden, I know you guys make enough more than enough with our family restaurant to support us but guys please I'm finally trying to do something from being locked up here for 10 years insecure and traumatized!!' My third brother Nathan said: 'We know what happened 10 years ago Ash and it's good to know that you've come over it but still we three as brothers we're scared to leave you all by yourself after all these years of taking care of you.' I looked down at the floor and said: 'Look guys I'm very grateful to have three brothers like you but I'm 23 now and I can, and I have to know to take care of myself, so guys please let me go.' Dilan pulled me into a tight hug and whispered: 'Please Ash be careful, we can't afford to lose you too. I hugged back and said: 'I will Dilan, I'll see you guys after the interview.' Aiden placed his hand on my shoulder and said: 'good luck sis.' I smiled at him, took Dilan's car keys, went to my brother's BMW XM, and went to my interview at the famous fashion design company as a designer.

When I got there, the tall building was looking down at me. I went inside to the lobby and when I got there were a few other people there as always, they were just staring and whispering, I just kept my head down on my resume when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, and I jumped, and I saw a beautiful girl with blue hair and grey eyes she said: 'sorry I scared you.' I took a few breaths and said: 'It's okay.' she sat down beside me and said: 'Scared?' I nodded and she said: 'Don't be our manager is a nice person he's kind to everyone.' I smiled behind the mask and said: 'Thanks do you work here?' she said: 'Yes I do.' I said: 'Ohh okay.' she said: 'Don't worry, you'll do great I kind of have a feeling and my instinct is never wrong.' I said: 'Thanks.' she said: 'Sorry I'm Alicia you?' I said: 'I'm Ashley.' she said: 'How old are you I'm 25.' I said: 'I'm 23.' she smiled, and we talked.

A few more minutes until my name was called in, Alicia encouraged me and when I went into the cabin, I saw I man in a brown suit and when he saw me, he said: 'Ashley right? I'm George Henderson and you can call me Mr. Henderson; he signaled me to sit down. I sat down and he said: 'Well Ashley, can I see your resume and some of your drawings or designs if you have them of course.' I handed him my resume and some of my drawings and he looked quite impressed and said: 'Well your sketching is different and very unique, I'll keep in touch with you Ashley, you have a good day.' I smiled and said: 'Sure sir thank you so much.' he handed me back my resume and drawings and said: 'You're welcome I'll see you around.' I smiled and went outside the cabin with a smile. Alicia came up to me and said: 'How'd everything go?' I said: 'he said he'll keep in contact with me.' Alicia shrieked and said: 'You'll surely get the job, trust me.' I smiled and said: 'I hope I do.'  Alicia said: 'I know you will.' I smiled and she said: 'Wanna go for coffee?' I said: 'Sure why not.' she said: 'Yayy come let's go.' we went to Starbucks in my car cause Alicia came here in Uber, she didn't ask any questions about my mask, and I was starting to warm up to her.

We went through Drive-thru and ordered 5 Frappuccinos and picked it up, while I was driving Alicia asked: 'Who are the other 3 drinks for?' I said: 'Those are for my brothers.' she smiled and said: 'Ooooh you have brothers?' I nodded and said: 'Yep 3 possessive ones.' she said: 'Can I meet them?' I said: 'Sure of course they're at home, you'll see them when we get to my house.' she said: 'okie.' After a while, we reached my house and I said: 'We're here.' she looked at the double-storied house and said: 'Girl you live here?' I chuckled and said: 'It was my parents and now my brothers.' she looked at me and said: 'Then why did you come to the interview?' I said: 'That is my passion, I just wanna make something off myself like my brothers they are running my dad's restaurant and I don't want to just sit around and wait for their money.' she patted my shoulders and said: 'you are a very independent girl.' I chuckled and said: 'I won't say that 'cause I relied on them for 10 years so yeah.' I continued and said: 'okay let's continue inside.' she nodded, and we both got out of the car I knocked on the door, Aiden opened the door and said: 'hey sis, come in.' he saw Alicia behind me and said: 'who's that your friend?' I said: 'Yeah, Alicia this is Aiden, my second brother, Aiden this is Alicia, my friend.' Aiden let us in and said: 'nice meeting you Alicia.' he shook Alicia's hand and I bring her to the couch, she sat down and said: 'your house is beautiful girl.' I smiled and said: 'Thanks.' I looked at Aiden and said: 'Aiden where are Jay and Dilan?' he said: 'They're upstairs in the home office.' I said: 'Call them down please.' Aiden called Jay and Dilan downstairs, in a while they both came down and sat down on the couch and Dilan said: 'Ash how was the interview?' I smiled and said: 'They said they'll keep in touch with me.' Jay said: 'That's great news.' Dilan saw Alicia and said: 'Who's that your friend?' I stood up and said: 'Guys meet Alicia she's 25 she was so sweet to me at work and Alicia meet Dilan my oldest brother who's 29, Aiden my second brother he's 28 and Jayden my youngest brother he's 26.' Dilan said: 'Glad to hear Alicia.' Jay said: 'I'm shocked Ash made friends so soon.' I glared at him and said: 'Well I got you guys Starbucks Frappuccino so you guys drink first I'm gonna bring Alicia to my room. I bring Alicia to my room.

She sat on my bed and said: 'Your room is beautiful.' I said: 'Thanks.' she said: 'Can I ask you something?' I sat down beside her and said: 'Sure what is it?' she said: 'Well I'm not being rude but why are you wearing a mask in public and front of people?' I looked down and said: 'Well it all started when I was 12 years old, I lost my parents in a car crash and I was in the car but I survived but I had a permanent scar since then and that's why I wear a mask cause I'm insecure of my face.' she put her hand on my shoulder and said: 'hey it's okay and you don't have to show it to me if you're uncomfortable.' I shook my head and said: 'No it's okay I trust you, Alicia.' I slowly took off my mask revealing a scar from my cheek to my chin on the left side, she looked at it and said: 'The scar is not that bad if you use enough amount of foundation you could cover it up.' I smiled and said: 'I never thought of that.' she smiled and said: 'You have a beautiful face don't hide it from the world.' I said: 'Okay Alicia.' she said: 'You don't have to show it just cause I told you to, just show it when you feel like it causes there will always be a moment where you would want to show your face to a specific person and end up showing it to the world.' i chuckled and said: 'you sure know how to talk, hmm?' she smiled and said: 'just say that my instincts are very powerful.' we talked for a while and eventually she got some work at home and had to get home.

We both walked down the stairs and she said: 'I had a ton of fun, I'll text you after my work at home is done.' I hugged him and said: 'Sure.' she was about to call an Uber but just then Aiden came down and when he saw Alicia leaving he said: 'Does she have a ride?' I said: 'No she doesn't do you mind dropping her at her house?' Alicia said: 'No it's okay I can call an Uber I don't want to be a burden.' Aiden said: 'no it's nothing come I'll drop you off.' I said: 'Yeah Alicia please.' she finally gave in and said: 'Okay...' Aiden took the car keys and went off.

After they left I went up to the home office where Dilan was, I knocked on the door and went in when Dilan saw me I said: 'I need to talk to you about something.' he told me to sit down and I said: 'it's about Aiden and... Alicia.' he smiled and said: 'what about them?' I said: 'Oh don't act, it's obvious that Aiden likes Alicia.' he said: 'Yeah it is obvious and what do you want to do about it?' I said: 'Oh my Dilan you are so dumb we have to set them up dummy sometimes I wonder how you got Hailey to be your fiancée.' he chuckled and said: 'Well I have my ways with girls sissy.' I slapped my head and said: 'I don't care about that we have to think of a plan to set them up.' he nodded and we thought for a few minutes and finally, an idea popped out of my head I said: 'Dilan I got it.' he looked at me and said: 'what?' I told him the plan and he said: 'OMG is you're a genius.' I dramatically flipped my hair and said: 'I know right.' we both laughed and our plan is gonna be in progress this Saturday night, hehe Aiden and Alicia get ready for my epic plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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