Title: "Sweet Scoops of Love"

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It was a warm summer evening, and as the sun began to set, the male reader found himself standing in front of a convenience store. He had a craving for his favorite ice cream flavor, even though it seemed to be an unpopular choice among others.

As he stepped into the store, he noticed another person browsing through the ice cream section. It was a girl with captivating eyes and a bright smile. She seemed to be contemplating the same flavor he was eyeing.

Without realizing who she was, the male reader decided to strike up a conversation. "Hey there, it looks like we both have a taste for the underappreciated ice cream flavors, huh?"

The girl looked up, surprised by his friendly approach. "Oh, you like this flavor too? Most people think it's strange, but I find it delicious!"

He chuckled and nodded. "Exactly! It's nice to meet someone who appreciates it. Mind if we share this one? It's the last tub."

The girl smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Sure, why not? Sharing is caring, right?"

And so, they decided to share the ice cream, sitting at a nearby table and chatting away. As they savored each spoonful, they discovered more commonalities. Both of them hailed from Japan and had a deep love for music.

Hours passed by unnoticed as they exchanged stories, laughed, and shared their dreams. The male reader found himself feeling comfortable and at ease in the girl's presence, yet still unaware of her true identity.

As they finished the ice cream, the girl looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes. "You know, we should do this more often. How about meeting here every Friday at 9 p.m.? We can catch up on our week and have more ice cream adventures."

The male reader's heart skipped a beat. Having not many friends, he longed for this kind of connection. "That sounds amazing! Count me in. I'd love to see you again."

And so, for the next six months, they met at the convenience store every Friday. They talked about everything, from their favorite music to their wildest dreams. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing week, and the male reader found himself falling for the girl, still unaware of her identity.

One Friday evening, he decided it was time to confess his feelings. He arrived at the convenience store with a gift in hand—a beautiful necklace he had saved up to buy for her. Excitement filled his heart as he waited for her arrival.

But as the minutes turned into an hour, the girl never showed up. The male reader's excitement turned into disappointment and heartbreak. The convenience store staff asked him to leave, and he walked home dejected.

The following day, a friend asked the male reader to accompany him to a Twice fan event, even though he wasn't particularly interested in K-pop or any specific group. Reluctantly, he agreed to go, thinking it might be a distraction from his recent disappointment.

As the fan event ended, he found himself being stopped by security and escorted to the backstage area. Confused, he complied and walked backstage, instructing his friend to meet him at the train station.

As he entered the dressing room, he was suddenly tackled into a tight hug. He looked up and realized that the person embracing him was the girl he had spent six months bonding with—the girl he had developed strong feelings for.

Sana, tears streaming down her face, kept apologizing. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there yesterday. I had to prepare for this fan event, and when I arrived at the convenience store, you were gone. I thought you hated me because you ignored my gestures during the fan event. I thought I had lost the chance to see you again."

The male reader, taken aback by the emotional outpouring, gently wiped away Sana's tears. "No, no, Sana. I could never hate you. I was just heartbroken when you didn't show up. I had something important to tell you."

Sana sniffled and looked into his eyes; her voice shaky. "What is it? What did you want to tell me?"

With a trembling hand, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the carefully wrapped gift. "I wanted to confess that... I've fallen in love with you, Sana. And I wanted to give you this necklace as a symbol of my feelings."

Sana's eyes widened in surprise, her tears now a mix of joy and disbelief. "You... you love me? But... why?"

He took a deep breath, pouring his heart out. "I love your genuine smile, your contagious laughter, and the way you make me feel like I belong. Even though I didn't know who you were, I couldn't help but fall for the person I met at this convenience store. I want to be by your side, Sana."

Silence hung in the air for a few moments as Sana processed his confession. Then, she started hitting his chest lightly, a mix of laughter and tears escaping her. "Baka! Why are you confessing now, while I'm crying? You should have told me sooner!"

Caught off guard, he chuckled, embracing her tightly. "I'm sorry, Sana. I didn't realize how much it would affect you. But I can't keep it inside anymore. I love you."

Sana's sobs turned into gentle laughter as she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you too, you silly guy. I've been falling for you too, but I thought you would never feel the same. Thank you for being patient and understanding."

They held each other, their hearts finally aligned. In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them.

As they pulled apart slightly, Sana looked up at him, her eyes filled with love. "Let's make more memories together, starting from now. I want to be your Sana, your everything."

He smiled, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's create a love story that's even more beautiful than any ice cream flavor we've shared."

And from that day forward, they embarked on a journey of love, supporting each other's dreams, and cherishing every moment they spent together. The convenience store, once a meeting place for two strangers, became a symbol of their love story—a reminder of the serendipitous encounter that brought them together.

They continued their Friday meetings at the convenience store, but now it held an even deeper significance. It became a sanctuary where they could share their joys, sorrows, and dreams.

As their love grew, Sana introduced the male reader to her fellow Twice members, who welcomed him with open arms. He became a part of their tight-knit family, attending concerts and supporting their endeavors. The male reader discovered a newfound appreciation for K-pop and found himself genuinely enjoying the music.

Together, they faced the challenges of a long-distance relationship as Sana's busy schedule took her around the world. But their love remained strong, fueled by constant communication, understanding, and the knowledge that they were each other's biggest supporters.

Months turned into years, and their bond only grew stronger. The male reader became a source of inspiration for Sana, and she encouraged him to pursue his passions and dreams. They celebrated each other's achievements, whether big or small,

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