Chapter 01- The Man of God: He came to change the world

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The Promised Land

Few believed in Noah. Few believed in Jesus. And few believe in the Comforter sent by Jesus.

It has always been like that.

However, many believed that Hitler could make a better world. Many believe that a president of a great nation can make the world a better place. Many believe that a head of a great religion can make the world a better place.

It is clear that we believe more in utopias than in realities.

Would Jesus be a forger like any of us?

A deceiver who promises and then doesn't deliver?

Absolutely not!

The time has come to fulfill the prophecies.

The time has come for each of us to reap what he has sown.

Most have planted and are planting all kinds of vices of body, speech and mind.

Few respect this sacred vehicle—the body—given to us by God for our evolution.

Few make good use of the word.

And few make good use of mental power.

Making good use of body, word and mind means exercising virtues.

It means fully fulfilling the ten commandments and observing the seven deadly sins as an access code to evolution, which means overcoming ourselves, our lower nature.

This means doing the will of the Father, as Jesus did and recommended.

The prophets and Jesus were examples of virtue, but we are not concerned with following their example.

We prefer, or rather, we are guided to a world where degeneration, depravity and bad customs reign. Where ethics and morals practically do not exist. Where the jouissance in the matter, supplants the search for the spiritual jouissance. Spiritual joys that can come to us as long as we do the Father's will. When we do the will of the Father, the "Come to us, Thy Kingdom" becomes part of our life.

"When the Helper comes, he will convince the people of the world that they have a wrong idea about sin and what is right and just and also about the judgment of God.

I still have many things to say to you, but you could not bear it now.

But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will teach you all the truth. The Spirit will not speak for himself, but he will tell you everything he has heard and will announce to you the things that are about to happen.

He will know what I have to say, and he will tell you, and so he will bring glory to me." (John 16:8,12-14).

This is the roadmap to be followed by those who will inherit the Promised Land after the coming chaos.


I do not intend to perform medical duties because I am not qualified to do so.

Nor do I intend to destroy the media, religions and the drug and food industries.

I only suggest that everything be done with the concern of benefiting others, rather than benefiting from what they ignore.

May Jesus' recommendation be strictly followed:

"This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you." John 15:12.

The author.


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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