Cloud Zero

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-A very weird phenomenon has just occurred in the Shinobi Word.  Everyone can feel it, but not many can put their finger on it.  Is it Deja Vu?...A premonition?,....A foreboding, or post trepidation?  Regardless of feelings, deep inside the village of Kumogakure or the village hidden in the Clouds, a very devout leader of a small sect of believers could not care less, as he remains reclusive.  His complex yet exquisite temple is carved into the lower recesses of the mountains of the prominent village.  He quickly dismisses his parishioners to go have some alone time because of the odd wave of emotions flowing through him.  He sits by candlelight sipping sake and about to get into a scroll of ancient writings.  I see you have noticed!...says a voice.  !!KKKKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKK!!  The Devout leader instantly unleashes a massive bolt of lightning strong enough to shake the entire mountain, and is felt throughout the entire mountain range.  Who's there!!?...asks the Devout leader.   It seems I've found the right guy for the job!,..replies the voice.   The leader looks around and doesn't see anything.  A few guards of the temple rush in to ask what just happened, and the leader sends them off, telling them it was nothing.  He himself doesn't know if living deep in the caverns of the Cloud village mountains have started to drive him mad.  I'm thinking I may be losing my grip on reality!..says the leader to himself out loud.  Maybe it's time I get some fresh air!  My thoughts precisely!...replies a voice.  Startled the leader looks up to see a rather slim man dressed in white apparel leisurely leaning against his wall with his arms and legs crossed.  Easy friend if I was here to harm you, I would've done it already.  Who are you and what do you want?,..asks the leader.  NO...NO friend the correct question here is what do "YOU" want?....  See I know you,..  I know you are Zeta the Cloud Ninja who "should" be Raikage as it is your birthright being the son of the Fourth Raikage and Grandson of the Third!  They all laughed as they pushed you out and put another in your place!  You took the shame, and retreated down here in this hole, clinging to frail beliefs!  !!CAREFUL OF YOUR WORDS INTRUDING SPECTRE!!  Ok...ok...My apologies!  I didn't intend to offend you!,..and I am no apparition, I am very real!  My point is this!,.... If you help me, maybe I can help you!?  Before we get to that I must say,...... you know much about me but now I must ask who are you!?  Well in good faith and manners I will tell you.... I am Otsutsuki Goshiki Koi!  Quite the colorful name!,.replies Zeta.  It fits!,..replies Goshiki.  So you're telling me you're one of those God-Ninja beings um... Momoshiki?...  .....!!RRRRRRRRRRR..MO...MO...SHIKIIIII!!!... grumbles Goshiki emitting strong energies in a restrained fit of anger.  !!WHOA!...WHOA! alright there God-dude?  I am NOT a ninja,....I am NOT a "god-dude!"  Let's bypass the formalities and get straight to it!..says Goshiki.  I need you to retrieve something from the village hidden in the Leaves for me!  HOLD UP!,....A few things!,...replies Zeta.... First off Why can't you get this item yourself!?...You have done an excellent job penetrating one of the foremost shinobi villages of the Five. I told you!...I am Otsutsuki!...I could easily infiltrate the Leaf, but there are other Otsutsuki there.  They would surely sense my presence!  Next question then....What exactly is the item to be retrieved!?   Uzumaki Himawari!!  !!SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!... As a devout man I think I need to stop drinking Sake!...I'm seeing visions, and those visions are asking me to kidnap the daughter of the Seventh Hokage!  I think I need to go lay down!  Are you done with your dramatics?,..asks Goshiki.  Do you wish to assume your rightful position as Raikage?   An office that was once "feared" by many nations!  They all now laugh at Kumogakure!  The man who sits in that office whose name is dull and acts dull while villages like the Leaf prosper through covert imperialism and under handed trade agreements!.... All under the falsehood of peace among all nations and peoples.  I know you see it!  The Cloud has lost its' way!  That's why your temple numbers grow and keep growing!  The people see it as well!!  STOP!....just stop!...Sorry to cut you off sir, but please stop!  I have indeed been drinking, and have indulged you long enough!  What you ask has already been tried before!....With the girl's very mother no less!  What you're asking for would indeed bring about all out war!  I hear the Seventh is a very peaceful man, but every man has his limits!  Your escapade would kill way more lives than save!  ...And with me left sitting on the hot coals of war!  What would be the benefit!?  The Seventh Hokage is missing my uninformed friend!....And is presumed dead!!  And with all the chaos that is brewing right now in the village hidden in the leaves, slipping in and out would be a breeze!  And how does this help me and my cause!?   My friend Konoha is a village that has many Dojutsu!  The cloud has none, and with the Eight tails drastically reduced to near nothingness, all you need to do is first sow a little discord.  Show the present Office as weak and useless, then you present strength!  Elites in countries do it all the time!  Create the chaos, and when the people scream for a fix to the problem, you come in as a Saviour receiving what you wanted all along!  That still doesn't explain exactly how you intend to do all that!,..replies Zeta.  Sigh!...You guys have Eight tails extracted cells do you not?  Give me access to your parishioners and I'll find the compatible candidates and you'll have a formidable army.  Any incompatible will be given proper lightning jutsu to move swiftly on your behalf.  While you are on mission I will fill the people's heads with propaganda putting you in a positive light, and the current administration in the dark.  It is way easier to convince people of the bad and have it stick than it is to convince them the falsehoods aren't true!  What exactly do you plan to do with the Seventh's daughter once you have her!?  No worries!..I will only trade eyes with the young princess! For her it will be as if nothing happened, but as for me I will finally gain the strength to make my mark and get the restitution I have been so long waiting for! You Cloud would be able to extract her cells, and created many jutsu that will surely elevate your village!  As a devout man of faith I don't know If I can go down this path!?  The ends justify the means do they not?  Are not your people suffering lack due to the current Raikage's unwillingness to see the truth?  That other villages eat at the table of plenty while your people slowly slide into destitution!  We're fine!,..replies Zeta. But for how long!? know I'm right!  You know what I say is true!  ..And when the other villages find out Uzumaki Naruto is dead, peace will slowly cease, and where will Kumogakure be if it is already at the back of the line!!?  Now! ....Time is of the essence!  Will you be like Darui, or will you be as your forefathers.......IRON Z!!?

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