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As y/n sat on a chair looking blanking to her canvas she started to look at her finishing painting she end up painting a goofy cartoony painting of a green worm going through the other side of a red apple that haves eaten the apple having a smiley...

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As y/n sat on a chair looking blanking to her canvas she started to look at her finishing painting she end up painting a goofy cartoony painting of a green worm going through the other side of a red apple that haves eaten the apple having a smiley face she sighed and got up and stretched her body out her back was killing her


The sound of a popping bone she let out satisfying noise she looked of to the side to see her painting brushes all laying down across the table she groaned not feeling it she looked to the other portraits she did so far she made her way out of her painting room and heading for her kitchen to get something to eat

Time skip!

Y/n sat down on to her living room couch having her sketchbook out laying down on to her lap thinking of something to paint next she bite the tip of her pencil thinking some ideas she sighed and tossed her sketchbook to the side tiered of not thinking new ideas she brought out her laptop to her lap and turned it on

and searched on google some ideas humming out she shrugged and rolled out her eyes she went on to YouTube and played on some music she plugged her headphones in and singed along the lyrics of songs that played for the next couple of hours the she looked at the next song she had on to her playlist her eyes

widen to see Bittersweet tragedy by Melanie Martinez is next she pressed play and started to sing the song of the lyrics she lay flat down on the couch closing her eyes to zoom out of it not realizing that the song ended by now and played the next song Pluto by yet again Melanie martinez of her new album

Dreading to deep slumber several hours later she woke up sat up from the couch she was laying down and stretched out  letting out a yawn she looked around in the living room puzzled she stood up and checked out her laptop to see that is been couple of hours she then decided to do her chores seeing that she haves quite a mess she walked down to her hallway and headed to her bedroom to start there

She started by making the bed tidying up her nightstand and folding up any clothes that where left lying around the room next she went to her kitchen and washed up the dirty dishes from her breakfast she had this morning after washing them she leaned over and wiped down the counters stovetop and cupboard doors

with the kitchen cleaned she grabbed her cleaning supplies and headed to her bathroom she wiped down the mirrors sink toilet and shower stall scrubbing away any built up grime until every surface was sparkling clean she stood up and headed out of the bathroom heading to the living room

She was at early she began to dust off all of the picture frames she had and her figurines  she had for her fav anime characters laying out and dusted off her coffee table and soon finished off vacuuming her carpet floor she turned around and headed for her washing machine to end her chores before she did she putt all her clothes that where dirty on to her basket of dirty clothes pile

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