Sick day♡

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(Takes place a couple days after the previous chapter!)

Bone's pov:

I woke up, feeling a bit dizzy.
My head hurted like heck and I didn't have any energy to get out of bed.

I felt cold, really cold. I hid under the covers, but it didn't seem to make anything better.

I tried to fall asleep again, but my head hurt too much.

The door clicked open and Oodle walked in.

"Bone? Sweetheart, you're still asleep?"
He asked, approaching me.
I didn't respond, I didn't even have energy to speak and my throat hurt as well.

"C'mon! Wake up sleepyhead! Almost everyone's outside already!"

They tried to cheer me up.

I turned around and revealed myself.

You don't.... look good."

He said comcerned.

"Your face is all red, are you alright?"

They asked, carresing my cheek.

"I don't feel very well..."

I said faintly, Oodle placed his hand on my forehead.

"Your temperature is kinda high.."

Oodle looked at me a bit worried.

"Hang on, I'll get a thermometer"

Oodle walked out of the room to get the thermometer, I turned around again and groaned.

"Really? You had to get sick today?"

Red said all of the sudden, making me jump.

"Red...not now..."

I told them quietly, so Oodle couldn't hear me.

"We have a challenge today! Did you really have to get sick? If we don't compete, we won't be able to make the others like you. We won't get to my main goal.."

Red said, getting mad.

"Red... Don't remind me of that.."

I said quietly, not wanting them to remind me our... 'deal'.

"I can't believe i'm going to say this, but... You need to take care of yourself. You can't keep treating yourself like this. You barely eat anything in a day."

Don't tell Oodle that..."

I begged, I didn't want Oodle to know that I wasn't feeding myself well.

"What ever.. just get better soon so we can get work done."

I took a deep breath when they finally left me alone, Oodle came back with the thermometer seconds later.

"Okay hun, I'm back."

Oodle placed the thermometer inside my mouth and waited a couple minutes. As that time passed he carressed my cheek gently.

Then they took it out and looked at the temperature.

"Indeed, you have a fever. You'll have to stay home."

He said, placing his hand on my forehead again.

"But... What about the challenge..?
Isn't it today..?

I asked them, even tho I wasn't feeling well, I wanted to try and see if I could compete in the challenge.

"You can't, honey.. you're sick. I'll cancel the challenge today and set it another day. Besides your team could be on disadvantage if you don't comepete."

Your Affection...Is All I Wanted♡ (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now