Hook, Line and Sinker

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Cyrus hummed quietly to himself as he walked down a familiar path, the breeze ruffling his long, presently untied hair. It was a somewhat rare occurrence for Cyrus to go outside when it wasn't necessary, but it was a nice evening out, and Cyrus reasoned that he needed the fresh air anyways. Smart as he may be, the schoolwork was starting to swamp him—not that he would admit it to anyone but himself. There was a small, nearly unknown beach shore near his house, and while Cyrus wasn't a fan of swimming, the sea breeze and sounds of the waves were relaxing. If he was gonna relax outside for once, he might as well put in the extra effort to walk down to what was practically his own private beach. There was a slight wind outside and, combined with the time of day, made it almost a bit chilly. But Cyrus was wearing a turtleneck and sweatpants, so it really wasn't an issue. He had left his phone at home—no doubt Apollo was probably texting him about something stupid. Cyrus wanted to relax without that menace bothering him, thank you very much.

After a short walk, Cyrus made it to the top of the beach. He had to walk down a hill to get to the actual beach part of it—there were never any stairs installed—and it was actually somewhat steep. It was no cliff-side by any means, but he still had to be careful. It was rocky, probably somewhat of a safety hazard, honestly, but it looked aesthetically pleasing over the beach, at least. He held himself steady as he slowly made his way down the hill, making sure not to trip over himself like an utter buffoon. Even if he was alone, he didn't want to make a fool of himself, for his own sake.

Cyrus glances towards the shore of the beach to realize, very quickly, that he was not alone.

Cyrus nearly lost his footing as he stared in confusion, somewhat startled, trying to get a better view of what he was looking at. It was hard to see from where he was standing, but it looked like... a person? They seemed to be struggling, like they were trapped in something, like a net. They were flopping around, like they were unable to use their hands to free themselves... Was this some kind of murder scene? Cyrus shivered at the thought. He attempted to scramble down the hill faster—of course during Cyrus' one attempt to relax, he would have to save someone's life. It was almost comically unlucky, though that was probably a selfish way to look at it.

He was staring down at his own feet in order to get to the bottom of the hill as fast as possible without falling on his ass, though he was doing a pretty bad job with all his stumbling. When he got to the bottom with at least several near death experiences under his belt, he started to rush over to the person on the shore... but as he got closer, he realized it wasn't a person at all. Cyrus froze dead in his tracks, absolutely not believing his eyes at the sight in front of him. The thing was struggling in the fishing net, its clawed hands tangled up in the netting behind it as it snapped its razor sharp teeth at the mesh. The creature's top half certainly looked human at first glance, but its bottom half... unmistakably tapered off into a long, frilled fish tail.

A mermaid. Cyrus had just stumbled upon a captured mermaid.

Cyrus continued to stand and stare like a deer in headlights. He was too far away, and the mermaid hadn't noticed him yet in all its writhing, so he just took a moment to observe it, to confirm he wasn't going absolutely insane. Its long, black tail continued to lash, the blue and purple fins getting torn by the net by its struggling. The black tail faded into an almost pure white torso, but its compromised arms faded right to black again. It had more frilled fins all over its body, its hair was long, black and sticking to itself from the moisture, nearly tangling the poor thing even more.

Cyrus wasn't entirely sure what to do, as he felt the gears in his brain start to slowly turn again. There was a completely newly discovered creature right in front of him—one thought to simply be children's fantasy until this very moment. This was a huge scientific discovery, so huge it would have been completely unbelievable if Cyrus was not aware and awake right now to witness it... But the mermaid was struggling. It was clearly in pain and distress, it would be downright cruel not to help free it, even Cyrus knew that. So once he was able to move his legs, he began to hesitantly approach the creature, trying not to startle it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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