Don't Smack a Girl's Butt

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Wendy Testaburger-Marsh standing in the living room facing her son, Sam Marsh. Sam nervously looks up at his mother.

WENDY Testaburger-Marsh: Samuel Quinton Marsh! Why did you smack a girl's butt? I did not raise a pervert.

Sam shifts uncomfortably, his face turning slightly red. He tries to explain himself.

SAM: Mom, Uncle Kenny said it makes me look cool. Kenny is my favorite uncle.

Wendy sighs and kneels down to Sam's level, her expression softening.

WENDY Testaburger-Marsh: Sam, just because Uncle Kenny says something doesn't mean it's right or appropriate. Smacking someone's butt is not respectful behavior, especially towards girls. It's important to treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their gender.

Sam pouts, clearly disappointed and conflicted.

SAM: But Mom, Uncle Kenny is so cool, and he knows a lot about being cool. I just wanted to be cool too.

Wendy takes Sam's hands in her own, looking into his eyes with understanding.

WENDY Testaburger-Marsh: I understand that you look up to Uncle Kenny, but being cool doesn't mean disrespecting others. Coolness comes from being yourself, standing up for what's right, and treating people with kindness. You're a kind-hearted and intelligent young man, Sam. Embrace who you are, and others will see how cool you truly are.

Sam looks down, contemplating his mother's words. He takes a deep breath and looks back at Wendy.

SAM: You're right, Mom. I'm sorry for smacking that girl's butt. I'll apologize to her and promise to be more respectful in the future.

Wendy smiles, proud of Sam's response.

WENDY Testaburger-Marsh: That's my boy. Remember, it's important to treat others the way you want to be treated. Now, go and make things right. And no more taking advice from Uncle Kenny about these things, okay?

Sam nods, determination in his eyes.

SAM: Okay, Mom. I'll make things right. I won't let Uncle Kenny's advice cloud my judgment anymore.

Wendy pulls Sam into a loving hug, comforting him.

WENDY Testaburger-Marsh: I'm proud of you, Sam. You're growing up to be such a wonderful person. Just remember, I'll always be here to guide and support you.

Sam hugs his mother back, feeling reassured.

SAM: Thanks, Mom. I love you.

WENDY Testaburger-Marsh: I love you too, Sam. Now, go make amends and show everyone how incredible you are.

They break the hug, and Sam nods determinedly before leaving the room. Wendy watches him go, a smile on her face.


Sam walks out of the house, taking a deep breath. He spots Sophie Anderson, his close friend from school, playing nearby. Sam musters up the courage to approach her.

SAM: (softly)

Um, hey, Sophie. Can I talk to you for a moment?

Sophie turns to Sam, curious but slightly guarded.

SOPHIE: Sure, Sam. What's up?

Sam fidgets with his scarf, feeling a mix of nerves and regret.

SAM: I wanted to apologize for what I did earlier. Smacking your butt was wrong, and I shouldn't have done it. I hope you can forgive me.

Sophie looks at Sam, assessing his sincerity. After a moment, a warm smile spreads across

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