Chapter One: Not In Kansas Anymore

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I wish I can get up from the floor, the rug is burning my knees.

He leans forward getting so close to my face I nearly jump. He smells so sweet and manly but with the skeleton face paint his eyes are piercing blue and it scares me.

Those eyes examine my lips and he pulls me into a kiss. His large hand is at the back of my neck keeping me close. The other is on my face; where I always wanted it to be since middle school. He gets more aggressive as the beating music upstairs intensifies.

We are both panting heavily. His tongue explores my mouth, he tastes like fresh mint.

He stops.

The paint around his mouth is nearly replaced by my red lipstick.

Leaning back he unbuttons and unzips his jeans, pulling them down to his shins; letting them drop the rest of the way.

And it's there. The first time I have ever seen one.

"What if someone walks in?" I ask.

"Who cares?"

"I do. I don't want to be seen doing this, Joseph"

Joseph sighs "The party is upstairs. No one is going to come down here. Come on, Daisy." His gaze is still on me. "I'll stop throwing shit at you and your boyfriend if you do it."

"He's not my boyfriend." He is referring to Devin Chambers, my desk-mate and partner for every assignment we do. Since the beginning of the school year Joseph Cornett and his best friend Steven Andrews have been throwing paper balls and old socks. Earlier this week it was the lunch spaghetti.

"I know you want to. I see the way you look at me sometimes." Joseph begins to touch himself in front of me. Making my worry increase.

I touch him, its the first time I ever felt one. Its warm and it feels too fleshy, if that is possible. I keep my shaking hand there. Not really knowing what do to. I've seen the pornos but I've been told it is all fake.

He takes my hand and moves it for me. The feeling of it makes my stomach turn. I can't pull my hand back because his grip gets tighter every time Itry.

"Put your mouth on it" he says in a hush tone. "Just the tip"

I shake my head. I'm regretting all of this. His grip is so tight my fingers are turning pink. He is in his own little world. Enjoying himself while I am on the verge of ripping it clean off.

The basement door opens and everything stops but my heartbeat. Joseph stops and pulls up his pants and stands. I stand too, the deafening sound of my blood pumping is the only noise.

One after another, they come in. A clown, a taco, a circus ring leader, a super Mario, and a bank robber. The taco has a camera already pointing at us.

"The real party is down here!" the circus ring leader shouts, it's Steven, of course it is. This is his house. "I didn't know you got down like that".

Tiny bruises are already forming on the back of my hand, they are turning red right as I watch. They are nearly as red as the ruby red slippers. I know I will feel his grip tomorrow. I'm dressed as Dorothy and I wish I can click these shoes together and be home. But I'm not.

I am stuck in a room with six extremely drunk assholes.

Joseph leaves his pants unbutton and gets too close again. Smashing his mouth onto mine, my lips against my teeth. It's unexpected and unwanted. I shove him at his side, making him break into hysterics.

He tries again.

I slap him. Leaving the makeup slightly smeared.

The room irrupts in laughter and 'damn'.

He touches his face as if I severely injured him. I was not as scared of him before. But if looks could kill. I would have been long gone.

I run around the couch and I don't make it to the stairs. Steven crushing me in place from behind, wrapping him arm around my throat.The sequence on his costume is digging under my chin and on my chest. I scratch at exposed skin.

"Only making it worse for yourself," he breathes heavily into my ear, it rinks of cheap liquor.

Steven Andrews is the worst of the worst. He's known for violent tendencies from breaking the arms of opposing teams players to the broken nose of an ex girlfriend. When we were kids, he gave me my first black eye.

And now here he is, one arm around my neck while the other rips the front of my costume. Exposing my bare breasts.

The guys roar with excitement.

This has to be a nightmare. I shut my eyes and I try to tap my shoes together once more.

There is no place like home. There is no place like home. There is no place like home.

But I'm still here.

Authors Notes:

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of the rebirth of ANSEP. I have so much to say but I do not wish to bombard you with comments. But please comment/vote! Have a safe halloween.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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